King Gazel Dwargo

Start from the beginning

"Well if your up to the challenge to fight him go straight ahead." Rimuru tells him.


Both Rimuru and King Gazel recognize this voice its hakurou.

"Oh Master Hakurou! I haven't seen you in years!"

"Oh it seems like the little runt I found in the forest is now the king of the Armed Nation of Dwargon. Who would've ever thought that."

"Oh you know Hakurou? So that's why I knew to dodge that move you did. He does that all the time against me."

"Oh I see so he also trains you in the swords men ship area. Well then I guess I can't fight you any more then. Well then can we make an alliance?"


"But about earlier can I fight Kyru?"

"Go right ahead. But remember my warning."


Gazel looks straight towards Kyru but looks at him and feels his aura and its a menacing aura he can't even walk near him it's like a shadow trying to eat him. He see's his power and it's exploding with power and then he knew not to mess with Kyru Tempest.

"Well I take that back I won't fight him. I would lose."

"Oh? What about the challenge from earlier?"

"I don't accept the challenge anymore I lose."

"Ok then."

Rimuru then walks away and looks at Kyru and also felt his aura and presence. And then he notice on how much he was changing from being a normal demon into something greater then ever before.

"Great sage what's wrong with Kyru?"

"I can't answer that sir. But he might be going through an evolution."

"An evolution?"

"Right I don't know what kind of evolution but it might be something greater than that of a demon lord."

"I see well lets head back to Tempest. Hey Kyru! were heading back!"

"Oh ok. I'll be there soon!"


Kyru then flies straight into the sky and notices something that's different about him. 

"That dream I had while sleeping what was that?"

It was ashes and fire that was on Tempest. Tempest was destroyed many died. 

"Just what was that? But what ever it is I won't allow it to happen. Also what was that form... I couldn't tell I had yellow arms coming out of my back and I was wearing white clothing what was that? Ah never mind I'll figure it out later."

Kyru then flies back to Tempest.

"So what was that all about Kyru? You not coming back instantly when you stayed back and were in the sky?"

"Oh that Rimuru I had a vision but I don't know if it is real or not. Tempest was in shatters flames ashes and there were many deaths. I don't know who died but I feel like this will come true. But I think later I will evolve into something else. But I don't know yet. Well I'll figure this out later."

"Yeah why not come chill in the hot spring?"

"Yeah I'll do that to cool my head off."


They both walk to the Hot spring and Milim is chilling in there as well as Eren. 

"Oh right forgot to mention Eren and them came around when they heard about that big fight of you and Milim."

"Oh... Well sorry about that clash of power."

"Oh well who won?"

"Milim sadly..."

"Hey! It's not like you didn't put up a good fight! You made me bleed! I haven't bled in so long it was fun Kyru-san!"

"I see."

Kyru is only acting like this because he still can't get that Vision out of his head.

Somewhere elsewhere.

"I want to get my revenge on Milim! I will get my revenge!" Says the Beastman that got his ass whooped by her.

"Oh I see you want to defeat Demon Lord Milim then why not get the power to defeat her with the power of Charybdis. With this you should be able to also destroy that City."

"Charybdis you mean the Monster of legend? That can't be real!"

"Oh but it is my good sir. Now do you want to take the power or no?"

"No... It's not my right to fight another Demon lord."

"Oh well to bad then See you around!"

But before they left.

"Wait! Never mind! I change my mind! I want to defeat her my self!"

"Oh! Well then follow us then!"

Back to Tempest.

They all get out of the Hotspring and Kyru feels a lot better now. But once they get out and dressed Treyni comes out of no where.

"Rimuru-san! I have a urgent message! You have to defeat this no matter the cost!"

"And that is?"

"Charybdis! The Destroyer is back alive and it's coming this way now towards this place! You must defend this place or all of its inhabitants will die."

"Ok thanks for the heads up! Well then. Souei? Can you hear me?"

"Yes Master what is it?"

"Can you get everyone to meet me at the meeting center. I have some urgent news."

"Ok Master it shall be done!"

End of the chapter.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter now we are onto the charybdis the destroyer. But who will defeat it Kyru or Milim or maybe both? Who knows but I Hope you enjoyed this chapter and the next chapter is: Charybdis The Destroyer

That time I got reincarnated as a demon. (Sds x slime cross over)Where stories live. Discover now