Elizabeth was restless, so she did what she thought was right. She grabbed her jacket, took her car keys and her purse before she strode out of her room. She went to Silas's room and knocked at the door – after a few seconds Maria slowly opened the door – behind her Elizabeth could see that Katie and Ezra were both sleeping on the bed. Elizabeth hasn't seen Maria seen the fiasco that took place earlier – she had kept herself locked in her room. Maria smiled when she looked at Elizabeth, "Hey, how are you feeling now?" Maria asked as she stepped out of the room and closed the door softly behind her. Elizabeth sighed – a little embarrassed by her behavior earlier. She smashed her lips together and nodded, "I am fine, but I need your help." She asked Maria. Maria bobbed her head, "Sure, what is it?" She asked. Elizabeth took a deep breath, "I need to know in which hotel is Leo staying in?" She asked. "Also, I need the room number." She added. She didn't need his number as well – she already had it saved on her phone.

Leo was having a very bad day. Earlier when he asked Jennifer if she knew about Fred and Elizabeth – she was shocked. The tears in her eyes confirmed that she didn't know. She didn't answer him and just silently went to her hotel room. Leo felt guilty for acting so harsh to her earlier – he went in to check on her but she refused to see him and asked for some time alone. Leo didn't want to make her any more upset than she already was and gave her the privacy she needed. When he came back to the room he was staying in – he couldn't think straight. He was gutted – Elizabeth never told him about her and Fred and Fred – he never told Jennifer about Elizabeth. So many questions were in his head – he felt clustered. He needed to get out and divert his mind or else he will lose it, so he went to the bar right across from the hotel he was staying at. He walked into the bar – since it was weekend – it had a lot of patrons there. Leo didn't care about them – he walked over to the bar and ordered a drink. He didn't take it long to gulp it down and asked for another one. Leo drank until he wasn't able to think straight – he drank until he couldn't think about Fred and Elizabeth. He drank until all he could think about was Elizabeth and Elizabeth alone. He was completely wasted by the end of the night. The alcohol doesn't affect him so easily – even after a lot of drinks, he is usually in control but right now – he wasn't.

Leo had enough sense that he shouldn't be in the bar longer – he didn't want to pass out there, so after paying for his drinks – he slowly walked out of the bar. Although his head was spinning still he made it to his hotel's elevator without any difficulty. Since it was pretty late, there was no one was with him in the elevator – he wondered if his father was waiting for him in the room – if so then he will be very embarrassed to be so drunk in front of his father. He somehow made it to the floor and walked out of the elevator – he sighed and took out his card again to get in his room and probably sleep off the intoxication. He took his card out and lifted his head to place it on the door lock sensor when from the corner of his eyes – he saw something. He turned his head to look at the person that was standing a few feet away from him. He narrowed his eyes, "What are you doing here?" He asked. The tone of his voice wasn't pleasant. He spends a lot of time in the bar, drinking – just so he could stop thinking about her and now here she was – looking at him with her eyebrows knitted. Leo blinked again and again – he wanted to see if he was hallucinating – what else would it be?

Elizabeth would never come to see him. She doesn't like him. He sighed and closed his eyes tightly before he shook his head, "You are not real," he mumbled. He looked away from her and tried to open the door, but the door wasn't opening – his card wasn't working. He cursed out and tried to pull the handle of the door. Elizabeth saw him struggling to open the door from a few feet away. When she first saw him coming out of the elevator – she couldn't tell if he was drunk but when he tried to open the door with his credit card – she was sure that he was completely wasted. She waited for him for almost two hours outside his room just to find him intoxicated. She sighed and walked closer to him. Leo saw her coming and took a step back – his eyes slightly widened. He opened his mouth but he couldn't form words – he was surprised. She was here. He could smell her scent – or was he imagining that as well? – Because if that was the case – then he was completely screwed. Elizabeth sighed, "Leo, how much did you drink?" She asked him softly and slowly walked closer to him and took his credit card from his hand. Leo's eyes widened as he gasped, "You are real!" he said – a little too loud.

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