Leo turned his head to look at him and brought his eyebrows together but didn't say a word. Silas looked at him and smiled – Leo could see the pain that Silas couldn't hide behind his smile. "I finally get how you must have felt when Maria had that accident and when – I – when I left her. I know now how painful it must have been to see your sister in pain. I now know how helpless you must have felt when you can see them in pain but you can't do anything about it. It must have been awful." Silas nodded his head before he gulped and added, "I know now," he almost choked thinking about Elizabeth. Leo sighed and looked away – he could look at him when he felt like how Silas must have felt when he is usually around. "I now know too," Leo replied.

Silas knitted his eyebrows, "What?" He asked when Leo didn't continue. Leo blew his cheeks out and mashed his lips before he spoke without looking at Silas, "I now know how you must feel to be around me," He replied. Silas looked bewilderedly at Leo and asked, "I don't get it," He asked. Leo finally looked at Silas and continued, "Maria and – Elizabeth told me how you used to feel guilt and scared around me. I feel the same in your presence now." He told Silas the truth. Silas asked, "Why?"

Leo spoke after a small pause, "I feel responsible for everything. I feel guilty." Leo took Silas. For a few seconds, none of them spoke before Leo continued, "I know Mia – uh – the shooter. I knew her personally and I know her well – or that is what I thought. Only if I knew that she would take such an extreme step – I – I would have done something but I couldn't and now I feel like I should have protected Elizabeth and – Rene." Leo choked and bowed his head down again – his head had started to hurt again. He could feel the pressure on the wound on his head. Silas sighed, "I am sure you would have if – you weren't attacked before them." Silas replied and Leo stayed silent – his eyes glossed. He could have prevented that – he shouldn't have left the door of his apartment opened. He pressed his lips tightly as his head was hurting now. Silas looked at Leo close his eyes tightly as he shook. Leo started to feel really dizzy. He blinked numerous times but the ache in his head only increased and before Silas could ask Leo if he was okay – Leo passed out.

Elizabeth woke up in the middle of the night – the room she was in was completely covered in darkness. The only source of light was the moonlight that entered a foreign room through the window. The window was opened and the cold wind made Elizabeth shiver. She had to close the window. She sighed and got out of the bed and walked closer to the window. She looked out to see that there was nothing to see out of the window. There weren't any trees, or buildings, or any person or anything around – it was completely deserted. There was just plain land out there and it made Elizabeth shiver. She was about to close the window as she was feeling scared now when she heard footsteps behind her – she thought she was alone in the room but when she felt a presence behind her she turned around only to be smacked across the head.

Elizabeth gasped and opened her eyes. She felt as if her heart was in her mouth. She gulped and looked around to see that was indeed alone but in a hospital room. She was sweating and her head was hurting – it has been aching since she woke up yesterday. At first, she panicked – she couldn't understand what had happened. She couldn't remember why she was brought to the hospital and why her body ached badly. She was told that she had an accident. Elizabeth tried remembering it but she simply couldn't. The last thing she remembers is coming to Chicago before attending Charlotte's bachelorette party and getting her heart broken by Freddie.

She felt a lump in her throat – why did she have to remember that? Why didn't she forget about him? Her eyes watered as she recalled how he has broken up with her. He knows how her mother can be and yet he blamed her for not giving him the time and love he wanted. Why did he act like this relationship was only about him and not her? Elizabeth wondered if he even came to see her – even if he does – she will not meet him. He cut her off his life – it is only fair if she does the same. She sighed and waited for someone to show up – she knows that her father and brother must be out there. All that has happened to her – she was still worried about her mother. Elizabeth knows that her mother tends to mess things up. She left her under the care of her mother's sister, Monica. She just wants to get better and go back to London and do what she does the best – take care of her mother. Elizabeth realized that she was supposed to join Charlie and Maria on Charlie's bachelorette trip to the Caribbean – she doesn't want to spoil their trip. She will apologize and ask Maria and Charlie to continue without her. She was already so much in mental agony due to her breakup – she doesn't want to spoil their happiness.

Elizabeth's eyes went towards the door of her room when it opened and to her surprise, Dr. Ethan Griffith walked in with a smile on his face. Elizabeth couldn't help but chuckle, "Oh my God, this is such a small world. Hello, Ethan – I didn't know you are here as well," She said. Ethan looked at her and sighed before he smiled and nodded his head, "Uh – yes, I work here," he replied short. Elizabeth met Ethan back in London where he offered her a job – it is a well-paid and her research-based job – she has been thinking about saying yes. She wasn't sure for the last couple of days since she had her heartbroken by Freddie and wasn't sure if she could be in the same city as him but since yesterday she has been thinking that why should she let that man control her thoughts and future when he decided to dump her – this accident was like a wakeup call for her. She almost died. She simply can't let anyone dictate her life but then the thought of her mother comes to her mind. She hasn't been on good terms with her mother since she came to know about her role in Maria and Silas's divorce but she still cares – after all, she is her mother. She has been wondering that maybe she can bring her mother to Chicago with her – this way she will always be in front of her eyes and Elizabeth will also be able to pursue her career.

Elizabeth smiled, "Wow, I didn't know you came to Chicago – from what I remember you told me that you will be there for a month before I was leaving to be here. Has it been a month?" Elizabeth chuckled – not knowing how much she was missing. Ethan gulped. He wasn't sure what to tell her. There is so much she doesn't know yet. Her family was already worried about her – she doesn't remember her own mother's death and now no one knows how anyone will inform her. And then Leo – she hasn't mentioned him since she woke up – she doesn't remember being with him. Ethan doesn't know how anyone is going to inform Leo about her condition. For the five days she Leo was here – Ethan saw the agitation and restlessness in his eyes. He would ask how Elizabeth was doing. For the years he has worked with him – it was the first time Ethan has seen so much fear in Leo's eyes.

No one knew about Elizabeth and Leo was together with other than – Fayette. She told Ethan that she came to know about them when she started living with Elizabeth. Fayette and Mosa have been visiting the hospital every day and leave without meeting Elizabeth. She doesn't remember them and since no one has told Elizabeth the reality – everyone was making sure to keep her away from any face that is now unfamiliar to her. Her neighbor Jennifer, her fiancé Fred and her colleagues Fay and Mosa – all have been coming to the hospital but since she has woken up – Ethan has asked them to give their visits a pause until she is told about what was actually happening.

Ethan sighed. Today was the day – Elizabeth had to know about her amnesia. Dr. Pollard and her family will be here shortly and then they will explain her situation. Maybe not about her mother just yet – but they will have to slowly break it to her every detail of her life that she is missing. Ethan was here to see how she was doing now. "Uh, no – I came here early for work," Ethan replied short. Elizabeth nodded her head, "Oh," she replied short. Ethan smiled, "Right, um – so, I am here to check if everything is okay with you." He told her before he did her routine checkup.

Leo opened his eyes as groaned as his head was throbbing. "What happened?" he mumbled as he stretched his hand up to his head. Maria who has been sitting by his side snuffled and put her hand on his shoulder, "God, Leo – you scared us. We are in an emergency room – relax. You passed out." She replied as her eyes were red and puffy from crying. Leo remembered that they were at Rene's funeral. He was about to ask her about the funeral but Maria realized that what he was about to ask and replied before he could question, "They did the service." She replied softly. "Rene is gone – forever," her voice choked.

Leo licked his dried lips and closed his eyes. She was gone. He slowly opened his eyes to look at Maria crying – he had to ask. He could stay silent anymore. "Maria, how is Elizabeth doing? I want to see her," Leo told her. Maria looked at her brother wordlessly for a few seconds – not really knowing what to tell him but she realized that he had to know. Maria had to tell Leo. She took a deep breath, "She is doing so much better. She woke up." Maria told him.

Leo's eyes widened as he chuckled. Maria saw the gloss in his eyes and he sighed in relief, "Oh thank God," he mumbled. "I want to meet her," Leo said to Maria. Maria didn't want to see the excitement in her brother's eyes die – it was after so long he has seen him so happy but she had to tell him. Leo had to know. Maria gulped and held Leo's hand, "She is okay. But there is something you need to know, Leo." She spoke slowly. Leo's heart dropped – something was not okay. He could tell by looking at his sister's eyes – something was very wrong.  

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