Elizabeth looked over Leo's shoulder and saw a small yet clean and cozy apartment. She smiled, "Aren't you going to show me your place?" She asked. Leo smiled ad stepped back, "Sure – it isn't huge – but I like it," He said. Elizabeth nodded, "So do I – it is so clean – I feel embarrassed." She chuckled as they walked with hand in hand. Leo chuckled, "Why?" he asked. "My place is – dirty and look at your place – so clean," She pointed out. Leo couldn't argue – Elizabeth is messy but he likes her anyway. Nothing about her drawn her away from his mind – she is perfect for him, "So what?" He shook his head and walked her to his room, "This my room." He stopped outside and pointed towards the room beside his, "This is where Maria used to live and besides that is my dad's room," he said. He turned around to point out towards the kitchen, "That is the kitchen. And this is the living room – that's it," he said before he opened the door of his room.

Elizabeth laughed at how brief the tour of his apartment was. She didn't mind it anyway. They entered his room and she smiled – it was as she expected – everything was at its place. The room was small but it was clean and tidy. She smiled and walked to the small window that showed the street outside. Elizabeth noticed that it was drizzling out, "It is good that we came home early – I think it is about to rain," she commented. Leo walked behind her and smiled before he put his chin on her shoulder and circled his arm around her stomach to which she hissed. Leo immediately drew his hand away and knitted his eyebrows together – he completely forgot about the burn injury she had on her stomach. He clicked his tongue, "I am so sorry – I forgot about your injury," He said concernedly. "Did I hurt you much?" He asked. Elizabeth and turned around to look at him, "No, you didn't," she shook her head. She was about to circle her arms around his neck when Leo said, "Wait here," He asked her before he quickly went out of the room.

Hardly a few minutes later, Leo walked back into the room with a first aid kit in his hand. Elizabeth rolled her eyes, "And here I thought you will bring wine and strawberries but Dr. Leo had to bring a first aid box. I am telling you I am in no mood to play doctor-doctor – unless," she stopped and walked to him. She softly brushed her finger on his defined chest and lips her lower lip. She smiled, "It ends up with both of us naked," She whispered suggestively. Leo chuckled, "It does require you to take off your dress – does that count?" He asked with a chuckle. Elizabeth pouted, "No, not only me – you take off your shirt as well," she said. "Let's play naked doctor-doctor," She winked and was about to kiss him when Leo smiled and stopped her, "First, I have to see the wound, Elizabeth." He asked.

Elizabeth sighed and sunk her shoulders before she rolled her eyes, "Is there any way to change your mind about it?" She asked. Leo shook his head amusingly. She twisted her mouth and pouted, "Sometimes you are no fun," she commented. Leo shrugged, "I second you," he replied. Elizabeth shook her head and shrugged, "Fine." She said. Leo smiled and placed the first aid box on the bed while Elizabeth took her dress off without any hesitation maybe she had a little too much wine tonight and it was messing up with her head a little. Leo was surprised to see in just her black lace bra and thong – he didn't expect her to be like this either. He also believed that it was the wine. His eyes went on the burn wound on her stomach. A big part of her stomach had a big red mark on it – Leo did not doubt that it must have been uncomfortable for her to wear that tight dress. He placed his cold hand on her wait and softly pulled her closer to him as he was seated on the bed and she was standing tall in from of him.

Elizabeth's frown turned into a concerned look when she saw the worry on Leo's face as he looked at the burn mark. She smiled softly and ran her fingers through his hair, "It is okay, Leo. It doesn't hurt much." She told him. Leo looked up at him – he sighed because he knows that it must be hurting her. She didn't even dress the wound to eliminate the discomfort. Leo wordlessly opened the box and took saline out – he damped a cotton ball with it and with soft hands he cleaned the wound. It burned intestinally but soon she got used to it and it wasn't hurting her much. After cleaning the wound, Leo put the ointment on the mark and softly rubbed it on the mark with his fingers.

The wine in her system was messy up with her head. His soft touch on his wound was arousing her. She bit her lower lip and decided that it was it. She didn't want him just to take care of her wound right now – she held his hand that was applying the ointment. Leo brought his eyebrows together. He looked at her questioningly, "Did I hurt you?" He asked her. She smiled softly and bends into him until her face was inches away from his – her wound was aching due to the pressure on her skin by bending but she didn't care. She placed her lips on his and kissed him with great intensity. Leo tried to speak but she didn't. She pushed him on the bed until he was on his elbows – then she strained his body with hers. "Eliza, your – wound –" Leo tried to say but she only cut him off by kissing him on the lip. She tugged his lower lip between his teeth and pulled away slightly as they both breathed heavily. "I liked it," She whispered to him as their foreheads were on each other. Leo's eyes were fixed on her lips, "What?" He asked. "Eliza – I liked when you called me Eliza," she answered.

Elizabeth forgot about her pain and Leo forgets about her wounds. They both ever enveloped by the lust and desire to have each other. One by one Leo's clothes piled up on the floor – along with Elizabeth's dress, her heels, and her underwear. In no time the two of them were completely naked – skin to skin. The sound of their soft moans and the thickness of their urgency filled in the room. Leo was being careful about her wound which Elizabeth didn't want to. The two of them devoured each other the whole night while it poured heavily outside. The warmth of their bodies kept them cozy. Both of them didn't know when the time flew as they tiredly snuggled into each other's naked bodies and fell asleep near the morning – not caring that they both had work the next day. Leo made Elizabeth his shirt as she was half asleep, "I don't want you to catch a cold," he whispered in her ear and kissed her on her neck. She smiled and wrapped her arms around her and slept with her head on his chest.

Even in her dream later the same night, Elizabeth saw Leo – she saw herself with him – happy – laughing. She smiled in her sleep – she was happy – finally, she found her happy place. She exhaled and stretched as she woke up in the morning with a smile on her face. She sighed and tried to bring her hands down after a good stretch and opened her eyes when she couldn't. Her hands were restrained over her head. She bewilderedly looked up to see that a pair of handcuff was holding her hands over her head. "What the hell?" She mumbled as she was confused. She didn't know that Leo was so kinky. She looked to her left to see that Leo wasn't by her side. She was about to call him out when she heard someone sighed, "Finally you are awake. Do you know you speak in your sleep?" She heard a familiar voice. She jerked her head to her right to see Mia – sitting on a chair by a table in the corner.

Elizabeth's eye widened as she tried to pull her hand off the handcuff, "What the fuck is this? What are you doing here?!" She was panicking. She was scared. The sadistic look on Mia's face was horrifying. She gulped and tried to pretend as she wasn't scared of Mia's creepiness. "Where is Leo?' Elizabeth asked her. Mia smiled, "He is sleeping," she replied as she stood on her feet. The smirk on her face was hair-raising. Her wet hair and wet clothes were enough to tell Elizabeth that she has been in the rain. Elizabeth looked at the window to see that the drapes were on but she could see the daylight peeking through it. "What do you mean he is sleeping? What did you do to him?" She asked agitatedly.

Mia smiled and picked a gun from the table that made Elizabeth's heart drop. She gaped at the weapon in her hand as her eyes filled with tears, "Leo," she whispered. Even though she was bound to the bed – she still tried to get away but failed. "You shouldn't be worried about Leo, Elizabeth. Worry about yourself," she said before her eyes went on Elizabeth's stomach that was luckily covered with Leo's shirt, "I was hoping that – that coffee had melted your skin or something – sadly it didn't happen," She gritted her teeth as she told Elizabeth. Elizabeth shook with fear, "You spilled it on purpose?" She asked – taken by surprise. Mia laughed. Her laughter was Elizabeth's answer, 'How could you?!" She yelled out at her. Mia slowly walked closer to her and sat beside Elizabeth on the bed – Elizabeth shuddered to see the gun in Mia's hand, "Sweetie, if I can make my son drink bleach then it was just an innocent coffee," she told her with a maniacally smile on her face.  

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