(19) Change ⚜⚜

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(Play the video and turn on the loop)

Areum's P.O.V

" I don't understand this. What am I doing here with you?? I left outside and returned to this hell now all of you are forcing me to be that outside again!! Why?? " Taehyung is really pissed off and I'm really enjoying this.


Few moments ago

After I leave Seokjin Oppa's room, I come outside of the asylum as Jungkook messaged me that he already parked the car in front of the asylum but they're having a problem?

After I leave Seokjin Oppa's room, I come outside of the asylum as Jungkook messaged me that he already parked the car in front of the asylum but they're having a problem?

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I see these two gentlemen are killing themselves by throwing anger from their eyes!! I look at them confusedly." What are you doing here? Get inside. We've got a long way to go."

" Not until we come into an agreement " Jungkook states

" What agreement? What happened? " I ask

" This douchebag of yours. also your slave saying he'll drive and you'll sit in the front seat beside him. But I don't sit in the backseat okay? I never did. So I suggest to him that you should sit in the backseat as I think you don't have the courage to face, if we need to speed up. And as you're a girl. So of course-" I cut off Taehyung's words

" So of course I'll drive. and for your kind information Taehyung, this douchebag has a name and he's also your mentor. So I want you to call him that. And about the slave, he knows too well why I don't sit in the backseat. But you don't need to know about me. So please do what he says."

" Never in a million years will I sit in the backseat. I've never did." Taehyung protests.

" Well everything has a 1st time." With that I sit in the driver seat, and close the door.

Now two of them are arguing about who's gonna sit beside me. These kids!!!. I again come out from the car and stand between them

" The fuck is your problem? What will happen if you sit in the backseat? Is there any hidden demon who will. try to kill you just for fun??" I say the last words, slowing down my voice, but I raise it again." No right? Then why are you barking like those street dogs who didn't get laid for their lifetime?? I'm giving you 30 seconds to settle yourself in the car, or I'm gonna leave both of you behind." With that I leave them and hop in the car.

I see with the side mirror they're still arguing. So I start the engine, and as soon as I do, it looks like they come to an agreement and hop in the car. Taehyung beside me, when Jungkook sits in the backseat. I can see they both are pissed off which I don't like. I've to ignore that because I've better things to do.

" But Areum, do you know the roots? I know you don't so why don't I sit beside you and direct you? You can't do that by yourself do you?" Jungkook says suddenly

REGRET K.TH FF (Book 1) ✔️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt