(3) Distruction🔰🔰

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(Play the video while reading)

" We're sure about it Sir. The case is taking by Ms. Areum and Dr. Namjoon personally kinda ordered her to work with the case.."

" I know Namjoon is a person whom I can trust while distributing the cases but isn't this case a little bit difficult for her? As much as I talked with her she seems a little bit tough but she has a soft side too which she doesn't show... I never try to know why she became a doctor here though.." 

He gets up from the chair and stretchers his wide shoulders while talking with the person in front of him. He has an aura around him and everyone is a little bit scared of him.

Kim Seokjin...

 Owner of a face anybody can love it

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 Owner of a face anybody can love it. So fucking handsome and his eyes will keep you in a delusion as much time as he wants. He doesn't need anyone in his life except if he wants to have someone. The way he talks with everybody, anybody can predict instantly he's a good person by heart. 

Well I fell for that heart..

 I tried so hard not to fall in his trap but eventually I did. The way he talks with me every time we talk, that's enough to grow butterfly in my stomach. Which is why my closest persons consider I'm obsessed with him which I might regret in the future..

But who knows what future holds right?

I don't care about that though. I know what he is and how he sees me. Still I like the idea of him being the special person of my life. Some will call me I'm being fake because I don't feel anything. Well obviously I don't. It's like I'm forcing myself to feel something like this so that I get some motive to come in this fucking hell everyday. Where I can see my prince charming once in a day.

He's the one who gives orders of everything. I mean everything. and he wants his orders to be perfect no matter what. And if anyone failed to do so, he may see the dark side of that beautiful face, and the look he holds with his eyes, only a few can bear that and proudly I'm one of them.

" Sir we talked with Dr. Namjoon and he said he knows what he's doing and he won't change his decision"

"I know him. He won't take it back from her even if I say him to do so. Well leave it. Tell me about the boy. What is his present state?" He shows concern about the boy..

" We're kinda scared Sir right now. He's not responding but we easily see he's breathing and his eyes are open. We tried to feed him or clean his surroundings but he threatened us and he looks at us in a creepy way. Female nurses are feeling a little bit uneasy around him, so we engaged more male ward boys for him." The in-charge says while looking down focusing in space..

"Hmm I see. Has any of the doctor visited him? What are the reports saying?"

"Sir actually-" The in-charge's face covers up with a clear fear expression..

"What happened? Is everything alright?" Seokjin furrows his brows..

"Sir the doctors tried to talk with him through the hole and he didn't respond so they just gave the minor treatment for him and we're following it" The in-charge looks up at him and his face becomes pale while looking directly at Seokjin's eyes..

His eyes are dark at that time. As like he's calming himself down from not to burst out on him. He doesn't even move a bit from his place. Just he looks at him and he can see the in-charge is regretting his life decisions.

" And what you were supposed to do at that time??" His voice is so much calm that make things ever worse for him..

" To report you then and there."

And he lost it..

" And what did you do? It's been close to a fucking week that boy got admitted here because he needs treatment from us, and what you dickheads are doing?? Complaining about other mfs and hiding your mistakes. Do I pay you for your fucking mistakes, or do you find me clowning here sitting and giving you a show?
Each and every patient is important to me and when any one of them isn't getting proper treatment you should be the one report it to me, and what do you did this time??" Seokjin gets furious and take his name badge that was lying on his table and throws it to him which hit his forehead and starts bleeding..

The in-charge moves back a little and holding his forehead with his handkerchief, " Sorry Sir, it won't happen again. I'll talk with the doctors also Ms. Areum about the case"

" Do I look like I care of what you will do or not? Get the fuck out of here!!" Seokjin starts to work on his computer and doesn't even give a glance at him..

The In-charged bows to him and leaves the room while holding his forehead not to bleed that much.. Seokjin takes some deep breath and started reading the file named as Lee un Areum...

" Areum, a beautiful name for a beautiful lady. I've never noticed you that much but I can sense something from you. Why Namjoon giving you this case when you're just an intern here....What is it with you love??" Seokjin is looking at the picture and goes into a deep thought..


" Stop munching your food so loud. It's annoying" I jerk at him while eating my meal

" It's called ASMR you know? I can make money by just only eating food and doing these sounds.." Jungkook jerks back at me..

" Well as if this asylum is not giving you enough money? Do you even realize we're making money more than what we should earn at this age?"

" Well having a backup plan is a good sign of a good future. Even Jin hyung eats like this with me. He basically taught me to how to do ASMR" Jungkook takes a big bite after saying this..

" And you're asking me to believe that?"

" Well why not? Just because he's your obsession doesn't mean he can't do these things"

"For fuck sake he's not my freaking obsession. Just stop it with will ya?"

" Well I saw him with a girl going to his room last Monday. I don't know what ha-"

" The fuck you're talking about. What he was doing with a girl in his room!!" I literally stand up from my seat after listening that..

" Someone just said like some seconds ago that Jin hyung is not her obsession lmao.." Jungkook forms a smirk while saying, " Chill I was joking. He knows pretty well that you like him way too much so stop with this melodrama"

" One day I'll sue you Jeon Jungkook you'll see"

" I would love to kill by your hands. It's like a dreams come true~~" He's fake crying while saying this bullshits where I just roll my eyes..

" Okay now back to business. I don't know why Namjoon hyung give you the case but I think you should talk with the boy before taking any decision" His face straighten and his voice is serious. One of the very thing which I like about him is he becomes serious when it comes to his job or about me no matter how much funny he was minutes ago...

" I know and I'm thinking of giving him a visit as Heejin is hesitating about this idea. According to her he's way too much dangerous for me." 

Even being Namjoon Oppa's assistant, Heejin is concerned about me because we both work together and discuss about cases, and she's stronger minded than me so when she's saying these so there maybe a chance that the boy is indeed dangerous for me...

I'm again in my own world when Jungkook's words dragged me in reality, " Well let's have a visit to this fella then.."

I don't utter a word after this. Rather I'm looking the picture on my mobile which is attached with the file and also the finger which isn't letting me think anything else rather than the owner of the finger..

Maybe everyone is right about him, maybe not.
Either way he's just like me but the difference is

I can make harm in a calm state where he can't..


REGRET K.TH FF (Book 1) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now