(11) Sign♑♑

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(Play the video and start the loop please)

I wake up with some sound of humming. It's like someone is vibing with his jams. I try to open my eyes a little bit but fail due to having so much light in my room. I try to open my eyes again and see a figure in front of me. I blink sometimes and I see a face that makes me smile even on the bad days.

" My girl is waking up, I can see. I was dying to meet with you.." He says while smiling a little.

" Don't talk to me. You forgot about me. I don't know you" I say while squeezing my eyes.

" Are you sure about that? You'll reject me? Do you know who I'm?" He says while sitting on my bed, well hospital bed of course.

" Shut the fuck up and give me it already" I whine a little.

" You're looking so pale, my baby. Ah, these medicines aren't working right? I know it won't because there's nothing stronger than the medic I'll give you.." With that he comes close to me and holds my face with his hand and places a soft kiss on my forehead. I feel warmth..

" Hmm now you're shining like me. I know my medicine will work duh!!" He smirks

" Shut up and give me a hug.. " I spread my hands and he helps me to get up a little and hugs me, basically tries to squeeze me in him that I winch a little.

" I missed you Hobi

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

" I missed you Hobi. Without you it felt like there's no sun in my life. Why can't you come here and brighten my days.." I bury my face in his chest.

" You know my parents huh don't you? They trust me and they have faith in me, baby. I can't let them feel low.." He releases me from his grip and cups my face.

Hoseok is my cousin from my mother's side. He lives on the other side of the country because he has a whole hospital to run. He's a psychiatrist like us of course, but he has more knowledge than all of us. It came from his father's side. Uncle saw potential in him since childhood and from that time they let him have knowledge little by little.

As they have a family business to run which is that multinational hospital. Uncle gave him the full responsibility of running his business after him, and he gladly accepted. He just didn't accept but after him, their hospital is earning so much profit and all thanks to him. He's the 1st mentor of Namjoon oppa, Jungkook and then me. He taught us the basic things in the 1st place which cleared many confusion and we achieved the degree without any worries.

He was there for me whenever I needed him. He'll joke around, will sing songs, or do something that'll force me to burst out laughing. The day I joined this asylum was the day I had to say goodbye to him because my university was close to his house, and basically I spent most of the time with him and his family. I consider his parents as mine one. He came here after some months but had to leave because they found a girl roaming around in the jungle and her condition was not so good according to him.

REGRET K.TH FF (Book 1) ✔️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ