Chapter Twenty-Six: Rescuing Wanda

Start from the beginning

Wanda tasted the paprikash again. "I don't know what's in this but it is not paprika."

She began to leave. "I'm gonna go to the store, I'll be back in 20 minutes."

Vision stepped in front of her, blocking her path. "Alternatively, we could order a pizza?"

"Vison, are you not letting me leave?"

"It's a question of safety."

"I can protect myself."

"Not yours. Mr. Stark would like to avoid the possibility of another public incident. Until the Accords are a... more secured foundation."

"And what do you want?"

"For people to see you the way myself and Mr (L/N) do."

A loud bang sounded from across the compound. In the courtyard an explosion could be seen.

"What is it?" Wanda asked.

"Stay here, please," Vision said as he phased through the window to investigate.

Wanda was alone for a minute, but she could sense someone coming up behind her. She used her powers to raise one of the kitchen knives to their forehead.

"Guess I should've knocked," She heard the familiar voice of Clint Barton say behind her.

She turned around as he moved the knife away. "Oh my god. What are you doing here?"

"Disappointing my kids," He said as he shot a few arrows into the walls. "I'm supposed to go water skiing." He motioned for Wanda to follow him. "Cap needs our help, come on."

Vision suddenly phased back through the same window, floating towards Clint. "Clint!" He said. "You should not be here."

"Really? I retired for, what, like 5 minutes? And it all goes to shit."

"Please consider the consequences of your actions," Vision said as he continued to float towards the two arrows Clint had shot into the walls.

"Okay, they're considered."

Clint pressed a button on his glove and the arrows began to electrocute Vision, immobilizing him for a little while.

Clint turned to Wanda. "Okay, we got to go. It's this way."

Wanda refused. "I've caused enough problems."

"You got to help me, Wanda. You can go to high school. You want to make amends. You get off your ass. You and (Y/N) can have a life outside of this."

Vision suddenly recollected himself and shot a laser beam at one of the arrows, then one at Clint, but only enough to knock him over. 

"I know I should have stretched," He joked.

"Clint, you can't overpower me."

"I know I can't. But, he can."

"He?" Vision questioned.

"Adios, Chuck," Came the voice of (Y/N) from behind Vision. Before he could turn, Vision was hit in the back with a heat ray, knocking him over.

"Took you long enough!" said Clint.

(Y/N) ignored him and kept his focus on Vision. When Vision got up, he shot a laser at (Y/N), but, incidentally, (Y/N) had fired a heat ray as well. The two beams united in midair, creating a massive ball of energy. Vision's beam pushed hard against (Y/N)'s, until eventually (Y/N) faltered and his heat ray failed, leaving him open to be hit by Vision. (Y/N) flew back, falling out the window.

Vision could suddenly feel himself being restricted by some invisible force. It was Wanda, preventing him from going after (Y/N).

"Vision. Let them go. I'm leaving."

"I can't let you."

She began to push him down into the floor, slowly. "I'm sorry."

"If you do this, they will never stop being afraid of you."

"I can't control their fear, only my own."

With that final word she pushed him through the many floors of the compound, creating a massive hole where Vision once stood.

(Y/N) floated up back into the room, seeing the hole in the floor.

"Nice one, babe," He said.

"Come on you two," Clint said. "We have one more stop."


Bruce had nearly finished his weaponry for the coming fight. He had created three gas grenades, according to Stark's blueprints using the massive Kryptonite rock that had been delivered the day before, along with a gun that would be able to shoot them at high speeds. Now all that was left was the weapon that would kill Superman.

He was using a laser to cut the remaining rock into a triangular shape, and then he fused it to a metal handle. The green rock began glowing as he exposed it, a blinding light.

Bruce got a notification on his phone. It was a text from Stark, telling him that he needed to come to Germany. It was believed that Captain Rogers was there. Which meant Superman would be there, if he wasn't already.

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