𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 22

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Tuesday 11:10 AM



"What's next on the list?" I asked Marco as we slowly walked the aisle of the supermarket.

"Frozen fruit," Marco replied while checking off our previous items.

We walked over to the frozen section to pick up an assortment of frozen fruit like strawberries, mango, and blueberries.

"I have a question." Marco started.

"What's up?"

"When are you going to ask out Y/n?"

The question made me tense up a little bit. I didn't expect him to ask me that so suddenly, especially here.

"Uhhh why do you ask?"

"Don't dodge the question just answer."

"I-I don't know. It's been on my mind a lot recently but I'm not sure when it's the right time or how to do it."

"What did you have in mind?"

"Well, I definitely want to take her out, but I don't know if she likes surprises or just straight up ask her."

Marco thought about his answer before replying. "Think about the experiences you've shared with her. For your birthday she planned a whole thing. But, also you're just asking her out so it doesn't have to be like prom or anything."

"You right you right."

We continued throughout the supermarket grabbing the rest of our items on our list. Our cart was halfway full by the time we made it to the register.

"How does this sound, what if I..."

I explained my idea to Marco who was intently listening and smiling at certain parts of my plan. "Yeah! That's perfect, a little corny but I think she'll like it. When are you gonna do it?"

"Maybe next weekend or something."

"Mhm, don't wait too long for someone to swoop in." Marco lightly joked.


"Hello?" I answered the phone without checking the caller ID.

"Yo, Y/n?" A deep voice called.

"Yes?" I dragged out the 's'. The voice sounded familiar but I couldn't pinpoint it.

"It's Atlas... and Alex!" A feminine voice joined in.

"Oh shit! What's up?"

"Gimme the phone!..NO, give me-" they two fraternal twins bickered until Alex gained control and spoke.

"Bonjour bestie. Atlas and I are coming to Atlanta on Thursday and we wanted to see you!"

"Vraiment!?" (really?!) Did you book your hotel already?" Why are you coming here"

"Oui! We don't have school for two weeks because some pipe broke or something, so we want to see some of the things down there! And now we are searching for one right now."

"You guys are welcome to stay here if you want."

"Really!? The pair shouted.

"Yeah, it's no problem. You can see my parents again and meet some of my friends too."

"Aw, your Mom and Dad! They were so sweet when they helped you settle at Lacoste."

[A/N: Lacoste is the France Campus where y/n studied abroad for the first semester.]

"Right, they will be happy to see you."

"Okay then it's settled, we will keep you posted! Bye baby!"

"Bye Alex, by Atlas!"

I hung up the phone and went into Mielles room to let her know what was happening this weekend. 

𝐇𝐈𝐓 𝐃𝐈𝐅𝐅𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐓 | j. kirsteinWhere stories live. Discover now