Chapter Twenty-Five: Fugitives and Thieves

Start from the beginning

He was walking back up the stairs to leave when the same woman ran into him, causing him to drop the flash drive. They both quickly apologized, and she went on her way. It was only after she had left that Bruce realized she had taken the drive.

"Alfred, who was that?" He whispered.

"That lovely lady is named Diana Prince. She was one of the evening's biggest donors."

Bruce ran to catch up with her.

"Excuse me, miss," he said when he finally did. "You took something that doesn't belong to you. Stealing's not polite."

"Is it stealing if you steal from another thief?" She replied. It was obvious she knew what he was up to.

"You know, it's true what they say about little boys: born with no natural inclination to share."

"Who are you?"

"Someone with the same interest as you."

Bruce grabbed the flash drive. "I trust you'll be in touch?"

Diana nodded.


Bruce was back at his home, viewing the files that had been in Stark's system. There were four folders, each one with photos and videos that had nothing to do with Superman, or the Avengers, but rather, four individuals. The first one he clicked on showed footage of a drone exploring an underwater wreckage, only to be met by a large, muscular man wielding a trident. The second showed a slowed-down piece of security footage in which a man attempts to rob a cash register at a grocery store, only to be knocked over by some force that could not be seen. There was also a man there who disappeared off the screen for a single frame of the video. The third was a record of a scientist, apparently a former S.H.I.E.L.D worker, doing experiments on someone - someone who had lost three of their limbs and was barely holding on to live. The scientist grabbed a blue cube Bruce recognized as the Tesseract, and used it to piece the man back together, with robotic parts. The fourth and final one was not a video, but rather an image, taken during World War One of a group of people, and in the middle of the group was that same woman who tried to steal the flash drive. A hundred years and she hadn't aged a day.

That was when Bruce heard a knock at his door. Alfred was nowhere to be found, so Bruce answered the door himself. At the door was none other than Tony Stark.

"Bruce Wayne," He said.

"Tony Stark," Bruce replied.

"I'm here because I have something to discuss with you. And don't worry, it's not those files you stole from my computer. It's something else. Something more important."

"Come in."

Tony walked in and Bruce directed him to one of the chairs in the house.

"What is it you need to talk to me about?"

"Well, I have a question to ask you, billionaire to billionaire. And don't worry, nobody will hear about this."

"Fire away, Stark."

"Are you the Batman?"

Bruce paused before answering.

"The fact that you need to think about it is a yes to me," Tony said. "I need your help. Captain America has escaped from custody, and we need to get both him and the other fugitives back."

"Will Superman be there?"

"Never say never, Wayne. What's your problem with (Y/N) anyway?"

"Maybe it's just the Gotham City in me. We have a bit of a problem with guys running around dressed up like clowns."

"I do have a prototype suit ready for you. Upgraded with my tech. It should be able to resist a good amount more damage then your current one."

"I'll take whatever I can get."

"Then you'll like this."

Stark projected a hologram of a large rock sitting on a beach. There was a slight green glow to it, barely visible.

"Ever since the events in Metropolis," Tony was saying, "More and more of these green minerals have been showing up. I did some tests on our friend Zod, and I found that these rocks decay Kryptonian cells. And just a few days ago, my guys found this one." He gestured to the image. "It'll arrive within a day or two. I can have it shipped here for your use, along with plans for weapons using these minerals."

"Thank you, Mr. Stark."

Tony got up and showed himself out. "No, thank you, Mr. Wayne."

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