She hated it. She hated that she couldn’t stay mad at him. But oh how she wanted to. She wanted to stay mad at him forever, and she vowed that she would until he set her free.

Still, the kiss kept replaying over and over in her mind, and no matter how she tried or how she refused the feelings, her heart would flutter every single time.

"No" she cried, and it was then that she realized the knocking on her door had stopped. "This cant be happening" She mumbled as she dragged herself from the bed and rushed to the bathroom.

She hurled her whole lunch and dinner in the toilet, feeling sick of it all. She wanted to believe that it was the fact that she kissed Raphael that had her heaving up her food, but it was far from that. It was the simple fact that she wanted more. She wanted him and it unnerved her.

She stood at the sink to rinse her mouth from the horrid taste, and her eyes lifted to gaze at her reflection in the mirror.

It was then that she decided that no matter what, no matter what it takes, she will not bend to the will of Raphael.


Raphael couldn’t concentrate throughout his whole meeting. His mind was set on a certain woman with the sweetest lips and most beautiful eyes.

After thirty whole minutes of knocking on her door, he had finally decided to leave her be last night. He hated that he had upset her so much, that she saw the need to avoid him even more than she did when they were back at his house.

If he had known that she would've been so upset about it, he wouldn’t have done it. But she was giving him mixed signals about the Esperanza incident, and he'd be lying if he said they didn’t share a moment.

He knew she felt it too, and deep down, he knew that was what really upset her. All he wanted to do was set things straight with her. He didn’t want her to believe that he was rushing her or rushing into things. That was far from what he was doing or intended.

Today was the day they go back home, and he dreaded the awkward silence that he knew would fall between them on their way back, in contrast to the blast they had while they were coming to the Spanish island.

He even got so worried and unnerved that she would somehow find a way to escape, that he called the hotel and requested to have one of the maids stay with her.

He had just gotten an update that she still hadn’t come from the room to eat anything, making it over twelve hours since she ate anything.

He sighed deeply as he sped through town. That woman would be the death of him, yet he was willing to take a chance.

He at least hoped that she was ready to leave, since the jet was already waiting at the airport. All he had to do was pick her up and leave.

Hopefully, she wont try and put up a fight.

He arrived at the hotel room only thirty minutes after he left his meeting, and his heart raced in his chest as he made his way to their suite.

Inside the lounge sat the maid with a very uncomfortable look on her face as they met eyes. The middle aged woman immediately stood with a sad look on her face, as both their gazes traveled to the tray of food still very much filled and untouched.

He didn’t know why, but he suddenly felt annoyed by it all. Why does she keep doing this? He didn’t take advantage of her or force her to kiss him. He admitted to himself that he was the first one to make the move, but he remembered clearly that she accepted and returned the kiss. She wasn’t reluctant, nor was she opposing to it.

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