17: When You're Ready

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Lisa woke up to the feeling of soft lips kissing her neck, and fingers trailing along her skin underneath her tank top. She released a sigh as she got goosebumps on her arms, her head lolling to the side a little instinctively. "Mm, morning," she murmured, not even bothering to open her eyes as Jennie continued to press kisses to her neck.

"Good morning," Jennie whispered against her skin. "Guess who left two hours ago."

"Jisoo," Lisa answered, a smile coming to her lips as she realized that she and Jennie were officially alone until Thursday.

"Mmhmm." Jennie's tongue suddenly darted out against Lisa's neck, and she sucked a gentle kiss there. "No interruptions."

"Thank goodness," Lisa murmured, finally opening her eyes and reaching up to wipe sleep out of them for a moment. When she finally got a look at Jennie, she met a surprisingly soft gaze as Jennie stared at her fondly, having pulled away a little. "You been awake a while?"

"Only a few minutes," Jennie admitted, "and I wasn't going to wake you up yet, but... I kept thinking about what we didn't get to do last night..."

Lisa chuckled lowly, bringing a hand up to Jennie's hair and pushing some of it behind her ear. "I know you're used to waking up early and literally running, but I'm not sure I have very much energy first thing in the morning."

"Oh Lisa," Jennie tutted, "you don't have to lift a finger."

Lisa bit down on her lower lip, and suddenly Jennie's mouth was back on her neck, and her teeth bit slightly down on her skin, getting a gasp out of Lisa, before her tongue soothed it a second later. Jennie's hands on her waist moved to her stomach, giving Lisa chills, and then her right hand began to slide down Lisa's shorts. As soon as two fingers pressed between her folds, Lisa moaned a little, surprised at how awake her body felt despite having just woken up. "Fuck," she murmured.

It took a bit of time for Lisa get close, but Jennie seemed to know it would, and she went slow and steady as she kissed Lisa's neck, her collarbone, her jaw, and her lips. And when Lisa's body was reacting no differently than usual, Jennie picked up her pace, and Lisa orgasmed not even half an hour after waking up.

A while later found the two of them finally out of bed, both wearing slightly warmer pajamas by the time they headed downstairs. The house was so quiet as Jennie started to make them something for breakfast, and Lisa could barely wrap her mind around the fact that it was just the two of them here.

"So... any plans for today?" Lisa asked unnecessarily.

"Well, I was hoping so," Jennie answered, looking at her pointedly. Lisa chuckled, glancing out the back door window and wondering what the weather was like today. Surprisingly, she saw wisps of snow falling from the sky, and she smiled a little.

"I feel like we just stay in," she said, looking back to Jennie. "Since we know no one's gonna show up."

"Okay," Jennie agreed happily, making the smile on Lisa's lips spread.

So they spent the day relaxing around the house in warm pajamas as it snowed lightly outside. Lisa convinced Jennie to try playing some of her Xbox games, and it turned out that Jennie actually wasn't all that bad at shooting random strangers in an online lobby, especially after she got the hang of it and realized that she wasn't half bad. Lisa thoroughly enjoyed watching the woman the whole time.

Besides that, they ordered pizza for dinner in the evening and turned on a movie, staying cuddled up together the whole time. It was just so nice to not worry about anyone walking in or anything.

And at the end of the day, they fell back into Lisa's bed so that Lisa could return this morning's favor from Jennie.


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