11: Unexpected But Not Unwelcome

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"Oh my god, it looks great," Seulgi gushed as Lisa showed off her hair on Monday morning in the office, chuckling. "Damn. I am so surprised that you're single."

Lisa laughed a little, getting settled at her desk. "Been that way for a while."

"Really?" Seulgi asked curiously.

"Yeah. Dated someone for a few months a year ago and we broke up this time last year," Lisa said, "but I hadn't really come across anyone who particularly piqued my interests, I guess, until..."

"Right, the roommate who you refuse to tell me about," Seulgi said with an eyeroll. "Well, I haven't been in a relationship since high school, but it's by design. I'm making good money, supporting only myself, and doing whatever the hell I want."

Lisa smirked. "I love that for you."

"Something tells me that you're a total romantic, though," Seulgi asserted, lifting an eyebrow at Lisa who blushed a little.

"Shut up, no I'm not."

"Oh yeah? Then why haven't you and the roommate just done the deed and gotten it over with?" Lisa chewed on the inside of her lip.

"For multiple reasons. For one, she's my roommate. Another, we have two other roommates and thin walls. And the rest of the reasons—"

"Are because you wanna go slow?" Seulgi asked with a chuckle. "It's nothing to be ashamed of, Lisa. You're a romantic. Embrace it, be proud." Lisa rolled her eyes, logging onto her work computer. Maybe she was a little bit of a romantic, and if she was, it was because she'd never really had real romance to look up to, and so what if she wanted that for herself?

She thought about Jennie as her computer loaded, and about how she took her out to lunch on Saturday and how relaxed Jennie had been. Lisa smiled a little to herself as she replayed it in her head, until her computer was finally ready, and she did her best to force the thoughts of her roommate out of her head.

It was much easier said than done, and Lisa found herself battling thoughts of Jennie all through her day, even during a meeting her whole team attended with one of the other teams. Thankfully, she didn't say or do anything all day to indicate that she was feeling a bit spacey, but by the time she finally walked out of the office around five, she was feeling relieved to finally be done with the workday.

She and Jennie hadn't exactly made any plans for tonight, other than plans to get drinks. They had seen each other a little in passing on Sunday, although Jennie had spent most of the day out of the house. Lisa had wanted to ask her what time Monday night they should get drinks, and how they were going to ensure that they didn't make it obvious that they were leaving together, but she hadn't gotten around to doing so. Maybe she didn't want to seem overly eager, even though she logically knew that both she and Jennie were looking forward to this, especially after getting lunch together on Saturday. It had felt like a taste of being alone with Jennie without worrying of roommates arriving home, and Lisa wanted more.

When Lisa arrived back at the house, it seemed to be empty, which wasn't exactly unusual on Mondays. Lisa found herself going up straight to her room and changing out of her work clothes and into something a bit more casual, but still sexy, for tonight. Then, she finally decided to text Jennie.

Lisa: What's the plan for tonight?

She and Jennie didn't text very often at all, so it felt a little weird hitting send, but Lisa wanted to know the plan.

Jennie: Irene and I are getting dinner. I'll meet you at the bar we talked about last week at eight?

Lisa: Sure.

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