8: Club Night

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It was the following day—Saturday—not even two hours into the afternoon, and Lisa's day had already felt like a rollercoaster. She'd slept in, seeing as it was the weekend and she had no responsibilities today, but she had somehow still managed to get downstairs right as Jennie was returning from her run.

"Shit," Lisa had said in surprise, as she reached the landing and the front door had swung open right in front of her. Upon seeing Jennie in her short shorts and a red tank top, her hair up in its usual bun, she'd followed up her expletive with, "Don't you usually run like, two hours ago?" Her eyes were immediately soaking up the view in front of her, though, no longer trying to hide it so hard.

Jennie had smirked a little, obviously enjoying the attention, as she closed the door pointedly and placed one hand on her hip. "It's getting a bit colder, so I decided to go later," she'd answered. "I see you had no reason to rise early today."

"Well, some of us like to actually enjoy work-free mornings by sleeping," Lisa had commented, as Jennie took a step closer to her. Lisa's heart rate had increased by what felt like a tenfold just from the slightly closer proximity with her sweaty roommate. "Also, exercising is never a reason to rise early."

"No?" Jennie had asked, lifting an eyebrow. Chewing on her lower lip a little, Lisa had shaken her head, not sure if she could gather words to respond considering how close Jennie was to her. Jennie had clearly known the effect she was having on Lisa, but the smirk on her lips made it evident that she was enjoying it. "Well. I should probably go shower."

Lisa had hummed as Jennie took a step just slightly closer to her before finally sidestepping her to squeeze by her and get on the stairs. Once Jennie had passed her, Lisa released a breath she hadn't realized she was holding, and she'd resisted the urge to turn and watch, shamelessly, Jennie walking up the stairs. It had taken all of her energy to force herself to go into the kitchen and get her breakfast.

After her boring breakfast of cereal, Jisoo had come out of her room looking a little tired, and upon inquiring about if anything was wrong, Lisa had discovered that the girl had stayed up late studying because she'd felt like shit after dinner with her parents. Lisa had frowned at that, not really understanding the expectations that Jisoo was under, but knowing that it had to be difficult to deal with.

Lisa had decided to hang out with Jisoo for the rest of the morning, and she'd suggested they watch TV, but Jisoo was curious about Lisa's Xbox, so she powered that on instead and showed her some of her games. They'd spent about an hour trying out the few games that Lisa had on her console. Lisa was only a little surprised by how much more interested in them Jisoo was than Jennie, although she of course, kept that comment to herself. Jisoo seemed to be a lot more satisfied by killing people in a video game than Jennie would've been.

Chaeyoung and Mino had arrived shortly after Lisa had shut down her Xbox, and they had Irene in tow, apparently all having come from coffee they'd grabbed that morning. Jisoo had acted playfully offended that she wasn't invited and filled the three of them in on the drama with her parents. After a few minutes, Jennie had come downstairs as well, having showered and gotten all ready for the day. She wore a red, crop top hoodie, revealing her midsection and effectively defeating the purpose of a hoodie, as well as tight black jeans. Lisa's gaze had immediately been drawn to her, but Jennie was good at pretending she didn't notice, immediately greeting Irene and demanding that they hang go to the mall sometime soon. Only once everyone had settled into another group conversation had Jennie given Lisa a knowing glance, and Lisa had to bite down on the inside of her lip hard to keep herself from smirking at the gleam in her eye.

Jisoo had decided to make them all some lunch, and Jennie had hopped in to help her. They'd distributed salads and sandwiches to everyone, and Lisa had actually enjoyed hanging with the whole group. She still didn't know Irene very well, but she liked to see Jennie look so happy to be around her best friend. She wondered if Jennie had told, or would tell Irene, about what had happened between them the previous night.

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