18: Path To Your Heart

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"Dude, everything here is so big and busy," Lucas said, staring out the window the Uber. They'd gone to Lisa's usual grocery store and picked out one of the few pies that its bakery had left, along with a bottle of wine, and now they were headed to Seulgi's potluck Friendsgiving. Lisa was really trying to keep her thoughts on her friends and the party instead of on the Jennie who was alone at the house.

"I would worry that it'd be too much constant movement for me," Bambam admitted, "like... can you even go anywhere and just be still?"

"Sure you can," Lisa answered. "Like, coffee shops and stuff. There's a lot of small, locally owned places. But outdoors? I'm not sure. It's been too cold to explore much. But there is apparently a park near the house."

"It does seem kind of overwhelming," Lucas agreed. "I feel like it's too big for me."

"That's fair," Lusa said with a nod. "I like it, though. Being able to walk places and take public transportation. Though, I'm definitely excited to get my motorcycle in a couple weeks."

"You got one picked out?" Lucas wondered.

"Not yet. I'm not sure I should get one that's brand new so I need to see if I can find some that are a couple years old online," Lisa answered. "I guess it hasn't been at the forefront of my mind."

"Well, I'm sure you'll find a good one that's affordable," Bambam told her with a smile, clearly trying to cheer her up. She knew she wasn't doing a great job of not seeming upset, and she hated that she was being like this on the first day she was getting to see her friends in months.

They reached Seulgi's apartment building, and Lisa realized that she barely remembered any of the building as she followed Seulgi's texted instructions to the elevator and to the right apartment number. She vaguely recalled leaving the building and getting in an Uber that one Sunday morning, but she had no memory of coming in in the first place.

When they reached Seulgi's apartment, it was easy to tell that they'd arrived at the right place, because they could hear loud voices coming from inside as they approached the door. Lisa knocked, and the door swung open a second later to reveal Seulgi wearing a bright blue pantsuit. Lisa herself was wearing nice pants and a blouse, and she'd made sure her friends had left their apartment wearing black pants and a white button-ups. "Hey girl!" Seulgi exclaimed.

"Hey! Seulgi, this is Lucas and Bambam. Guys, this is my friend and coworker, Seulgi."

"How's it going?" Lucas asked with a smile as Bambam grinned and greeted Seulgi as well.

"It's so great to meet you guys," she told them with a grin. "Come on in, party's kicking off." It was just after noon by now, but Seulgi's friends had clearly already started the champagne flowing.

"Lisa!" one of the guys in the apartment—Jimin—called in greeting. "Nice to see you again."

"You too," she said, "these are my friends, Lucas and Bambam."

The guys started talking as Seulgi looped her arm through Lisa's and tugged her toward the kitchen. Lisa set down the pie and wine as Seulgi said, "How are you doing? Anything new after you texted me yesterday?"

"Nope," Lisa answered sadly. "She never came to talk to me, and despite my better judgment, I did knock on her door before we left to let her know we were leaving. She didn't even answer the door or say a word."

"I'm sorry," Seulgi apologized.

"I know she probably just needs time, but the longer she goes not talking to me... ugh, whatever, it's fine. I just want a distraction. I feel so stupid being so upset when my two best friends are visiting and I'm here getting to actually celebrate Thanksgiving for once."

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