9: Couldn't Say No

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By Monday morning, Lisa was fully recovered from her hangover. It took her half of Sunday, four ibuprofen tablets, and multiple glasses of water to curb the headache. She practically resolved herself to never drink again by the time she finally felt better—at least not tequila.

Thankfully, when she woke up Monday morning, she felt fully recovered, and she got dressed and ready as she would any morning. She had her breakfast, had a brief run-in with Jennie as she left for her run—because apparently, she'd been serious about the colder weather making her want to run a bit later—and then finally headed for the bus stop.

It was overcast on Lisa's bus ride to work that day, and she hoped that it didn't start raining. Partly, she didn't want it to rain because she hadn't brought an umbrella, but also, she didn't want Jennie to get rained on during her run.

Thankfully, the clouds held back for a little while, before unleashing a downpour on the city right as Lisa made it inside the office building. She rode the elevator up to the fifth floor, smiled at the woman working the desk, and started into the development teams' offices. There were few people in the office already, and she supposed that it was because of the weather.

Seulgi had apparently been the first of the UI/UX team to arrive, though, because she was there waiting when Lisa got to her desk. "Girl," Seulgi said immediately, "I had no idea you partied so hard!"

Lisa groaned. "Don't remind me. I was nursing myself back to health for half of the day yesterday. Plus, the only reason that happened was because I decided to party with two separate groups of people in a row."

"Yeah, what was up with that, you could've said no if you already had plans?"

"You invited me out first," Lisa admitted, "but then my roommates also invited me out and they were starting earlier, so I figured why not?"

Seulgi was looking at her skeptically. "Your roommates, or the roommate?"

"Oh my god, shut up," Lisa mumbled, settling in at her desk and turning on her work computer. "Look, there's been... an advancement, on that front."

"Holy shit, you slept with her?!" Seulgi demanded, her grin back.

"No!" Lisa exclaimed. "And be quiet."

"There's hardly anyone here," Seulgi said, shrugging her off. "But you're going to sleep with her?"

"Look, it's not like that," Lisa insisted. "I actually like her, I don't want to just sleep with her."

Seulgi hummed. "Okay, fine, fair enough."

Jungkook and the other guys were approaching the desks now, and the former smiled at Lisa and said, "Hey, Lisa, your first big update day is Friday, feeling ready?"

"Hell yeah," Lisa answered, thinking about all the things she and the team had to do before the update was ready for Friday. Since she'd been there, the only updates that the website and app had gotten had been small bug fixes and maintenance, but this update contained an updated user interface with better accessibility features and a much better overall look and feel. Lisa actually was really proud of her contribution to the updates, but there was definitely some worry about what might go wrong upon deployment. Even with her minimal experience from school and one internship, she knew that much.

"It's gonna be a busy week," Jungkook said to the whole team, "the rest of you guys know how it goes. The testing team spent last week letting us know about the bugs they caught. This week, our test users are using it. Expect more than a few reports from them to start coming in as early as this afternoon. Don't be surprised if we're here late a few days this week."

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