6: New Routine

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The next week passed quite similarly to the previous week, with a few notable differences.

For one, Lisa got to sleep in a real bed every night, which was doing wonders for her quality of sleep. She found herself feeling a little more awake at work in the mornings and found herself actually joking around with Taeil and Jaehyun, her coworkers, more often. She was discovering that maybe they weren't so bad, at least not now that they were getting used to her working there. There was also a big new update for the Square Up's Commerce website coming out soon, so the whole team was working hard to make sure that all the functionalities were there and that the bugs were squashed. One day that week, the whole UI/UX team went out to lunch together, Jungkook included, and it was actually nice. She told the team about her abrupt move to the city and mentioned her college aged roommates, and she learned a little about each of her team member's lives as well. She found out that Jungkook spent his time outside of work writing a novel, which Lisa thought was pretty cool, and that Taeil and Jaehyun were both major gamers. When they heard that she had an Xbox, they immediately wanted to add her as a friend, and she told them she would send them her Xbox live email, but she wasn't planning to actually do so yet. She still hardly knew them, and she didn't need them to see when she was playing games online.

Aside from her real bed, improved sleep quality, and growing relationship with her coworkers, Lisa was also experiencing a new energy at the house every day. After the previous weekend, Jennie no longer seemed to avoid being around Lisa. She joined the roommates for dinner more often and exchanged small talk with Lisa when they passed each other by the bathroom or in the kitchen. It was a really nice change, and it made Lisa forget all about the fact that she had been trying to engage with the feline-eyed girl less in hopes of dampening her crush. Maybe she had realized that it just wasn't going anywhere.

And maybe that was okay. Maybe she could just endure it for the length of time that she lived in the house. She didn't know when their lease ended, but if they were following a yearly schedule, she supposed it should be at the end of the spring. Lisa planned to live there as long as their current lease lasted, but at that point, she would probably try and get her own place. She could probably put up with the crush for then, and she felt like the chances of it eventually fading away were pretty high, right?

She hadn't told either of her best friends about her feelings for her roommate who had hated her when she'd moved in, even though Lucas had guessed that she must be attracted to at least one of them based on the fact that Lisa had put up with a dumb party to make a good impression. He must've mostly been joking, because he hadn't brought it up again. Lisa was glad about that; she really did not want to admit out loud, or even via text, that she found Jennie to be one of the most attractive people she'd ever seen.

Yeah, maybe that was a bit dramatic, but she really felt like it was true. Something about the confident way she carried herself, combined with her soft curves and her toned figure, made her beyond attractive.

What didn't make it easier was Jennie's new routine that apparently came with the slightly cooler weather that was starting to set in as October crept up on them, and that was early morning jogging. Apparently, Jennie usually stuck to working out at a nearby gym, but when Lisa had seen her come back early one morning, sweating in a thin, black tank top and black running shorts, her long hair clipped up into a messy bun, Jennie had explained that she liked to jog when it was cooler outside. Every morning since then, a new part of Lisa's routine for getting ready for work had been added: try desperately not to stare at an unfairly sexy, sweaty Jennie.

Lisa had hoped that it was just a weekday activity, because at least on the weekdays Lisa could focus on getting herself off to work, but on Saturday morning, she left her room after waking up around eight to see that Jennie's bedroom door was hanging open, but the light was off, telling her that the girl was probably already up. Lisa wouldn't usually be up so early, but she'd crashed early the night before after spending the evening going shopping with Seulgi, who had insisted that Lisa needed to see the city's galleria mall. It had been fun, but the galleria was huge, leaving Lisa beyond tired when she returned home. And after calling it a night fairly early, on Friday, here she was awake at eight in the morning.

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