14: Confessions

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Gentle fingers were stroking through Lisa's hair as she woke up the following morning, and she knit her eyebrows in slight confusion. She shifted a little, feeling her bare skin brushing against her sheets everywhere—she was naked. She bumped against another body, feeling tingles up and down her body as she felt the soft skin against her.

"Good morning," she heard Jennie's slightly raspy morning voice coo, and Lisa slowly blinked her eyes open to look at the woman. Jennie was propped up by her left arm, her right hand in Lisa's hair still. She wore a relaxed smile, and her eyes held a softness that Lisa wasn't sure she'd really seen much of at all.

"Morning," Lisa murmured in response, bringing a hand up to her face to wipe away the sleep from her eyes. "Did you sleep okay?"

"Mmhmm," Jennie hummed in response, "I guess your firm mattress isn't too bad."

Lisa laughed a little, remembering their trip to Ikea that felt so long ago now. "Glad to hear it," she said in amusement, letting her eyes fall back closed as she rolled onto her side, facing away from Jennie. A smile came to her face when she felt Jennie lower herself down onto the bed and wrap her arms around her, her front pressed against Lisa's back. "Are we still the only ones here?"

"Probably," Jennie murmured, "but I don't know what time it is."

"Do you need to get up to run?" Lisa wondered.

"I don't need to."

Lisa smiled a little. "Should you?"

"Hmm. Maybe. But I can stay here a little while longer." Lisa sighed happily at that, burying her face a little in her pillow and enjoying Jennie spooning her. She started to doze back off, too, until maybe twenty minutes later, when Jennie started to shift a little behind her.

"What're you doing?" Lisa murmured.

"I need to go to the bathroom," Jennie answered with a chuckle. Lisa groaned, pressing her face into her pillow and listening as she heard Jennie presumably pulling on her clothes from the night before, and then leaving the room.

Only when she heard the bathroom door shut did Lisa roll onto her back, staring after the woman. She couldn't hardly believe that yesterday had been real. She replayed the previous night in her head, biting down on her lower lip. A smile crept onto her face, but then her thoughts were interrupted by her phone ringing.

Groaning, she forced herself to sit up and reach for her phone on the nightstand. The caller ID showed that it was her grandparents, and since she'd called her Nana the day before asking for her Grandpa, she didn't hesitate to answer it.

"Hello?" she greeted, laying her head back and staring up at the ceiling.

"Good morning, Lisa," she heard her Grandpa greet in his slightly rough voice.

"Morning, Grandpa," she returned, "you're a hard man to get in contact with lately."

"Yes, your Nana told me you'd been wanting to speak to me. Truth is, I've been busy helping out round the trailer park. There's some kids been running a muck and me and some of the other older folk are trying to set 'em right."

Lisa smiled a little—her Grandpa was a nice man like that, and she loved that about him, but it was a little sad when she remembered that she had once been a kid like that, and he had hardly been around. She liked to blame that on her Nana, though, who was always stricter about kids getting on the right path themselves. "I get it, it's important work to be done," Lisa told him, sitting up in her bed, standing, and going to her closet to get a t-shirt. "Well, I'm glad you called. I guess I've just been wanting to catch up."

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