12: Didn't Even Have To Guess

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Lisa's back was pressed firmly against the inside of Jennie's bedroom door, where the smaller girl had pushed her a few moments ago while slamming their lips together and shoving her tongue into Lisa's mouth. Lisa moaned deeply, her fingers tangling into soft hair and scratching against Jennie's scalp. Her legs felt weak as Jennie's hands came to her waist, slipping underneath her shirt and touching her abs with soft fingers.

Lisa tucked her chin back to gasp for air before bringing her lips back to Jennie's, her right hand trailing down from Jennie's hair down to her backside, her hand slipping into the back pocket of Jennie's tight jeans. She palmed at the firm ass guarded by the denim, and Jennie suddenly pressed even closer to Lisa, her thigh slipping right between Lisa's. Lisa gasped, her head lolling back as Jennie's lips were suddenly on her neck. She grinded into Jennie's thigh desperately.

"God, we're going to break your fucking door down," Lisa gasped out, as Jennie sucked on her pulse point.

"Shh," Jennie hushed her, her hands wrapping around Lisa's body, and her short, manicured nails digging into her low back.

Lisa moaned, and her left hand came to Jennie's face, pulling it back up to hers so that their lips came together in another kiss. She kept control of this one this time, knowing that it was her best chance at not getting completely lost in Jennie since they most definitely did not have the time for it. Jennie whimpered against her lips as Lisa squeezed at her ass.

After a few more moments, Lisa parted their lips and allowed them both to catch their breath. "Jisoo and Chaeyoung are going to be back from the store like, any minute."

"Why didn't we come up here and do this sooner?" Jennie whispered, her hands slipping lower on Lisa's back, her fingers poking underneath the top of Lisa's jeans.

"Because you were busy making fun of my lunch," Lisa answered, "so it's definitely your fault."

"Maybe you should've skipped lunch."

"I thought you wanted me to eat better, not stop eating."

Jennie bit down on her lower lip, her eyes glued to Lisa's probably now red tinted lips. Jennie's breathing was still heavy, and she sucked in a deep breath, trying to even them out.

It was the Saturday following her first night out with Jennie, and it was a rainy day in the city. Her roommates told her to expect a lot of rain as the winter arrived. Water droplets had been pounding against the roof and the windows all day, but Jisoo and Chaeyoung had decided to go grocery shopping anyway after they both ate a late breakfast. In the meantime, Lisa had been watching TV downstairs and started to make lunch shortly after the two woman left. Then, Jennie had come downstairs, made fun of Lisa's half assed sandwich, and only once Lisa had finished eating had Jennie started to tug the purple haired woman upstairs to her bedroom.

The past week had been exhilarating, filled with clandestine meetings any time that Chaeyoung and Jisoo were out of the house. It was fun to have this secret, even if it could be annoying. Lisa had thought about what it might be like if she and Jennie told Jisoo and Chaeyoung about what was going on between them, but every time she did, she imagined them being worried about the fact that if anything went to shit between Lisa and Jennie, it could ruin the roommate dynamic. Lisa herself was also worried about this, especially because she didn't really know where Jennie's feelings on this whole matter stood. She figured that she shouldn't get her roommates worried about it unless Lisa herself wasn't still worried.

She'd resolved herself to accepting the fact that this was better kept to themselves until they'd figured out what, explicitly, was happening between them.

But Lisa got the impression that Jennie wasn't quite ready for that discussion. She knew that it had taken a lot of effort on Jennie's part to open up to her so much earlier in the week, and she knew that Jennie was one to keep private things just that—private. Still, Lisa had never really been one for keeping her own feelings secret.

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