15: I'm Not Going Anywhere

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"Good morning," Lisa heard as she poured herself a bowl of cereal on Saturday morning, and she looked up to see Jennie coming from the stairs. She looked particularly peppy this morning, and Lisa was immediately curious as to why. Lisa had heard her come home late the night before, but she had already been drifting off by then, so she hadn't gotten a chance to the see the woman. Although, she hadn't really wanted to, because she knew that she and Jennie needed to have a serious talk, and Lisa was uncharacteristically worried about it.

Maybe it was because she expected Jennie not to want to tell their roommates about them, but she also worried that there would be an ultimatum involved. In the back of her mind, she also worried that they would come clean to Jisoo and she and Chaeyoung wouldn't be okay with it, and things would get even more fucked up. She knew she was worrying too much, but what she felt for Jennie was getting stronger day by day, and she didn't want to lose it. Jennie just made her feel so many good things, and she liked it a lot.

Right now, though, seeing Jennie wasn't making her feel good things—rather, she felt anxiety in the pit of her stomach, remembering her conversation with Lucas the previous day. Still, she forced out, "Morning. How are you?"

"Good," Jennie answered with a nod. "My interview on Wednesday went really well, I didn't get a chance to talk to you about it. I woke up this morning to an email from the interviewer, he said they want to call me next week for a follow up interview."

That explained why she seemed like she was in such a good mood, and it brought a smile to Lisa's face despite her anxiety. The fact that Jennie seemed excited to tell her made her happy, too. "That's awesome, Jennie. I'm sure you'll kill the second interview, too."

"Mmhmm, phone interviews are a piece of cake," Jennie told her, smiling still as she came into the kitchen and started to prepare her own breakfast. "Want coffee?"

"Sure," Lisa answered, taking her bowl of cereal into the dining room. After a few minutes, Jennie joined her and set two mugs of coffee down, one in front of Lisa and one across from her, where Jennie sat a moment later. She had a cup of yogurt and some fruit in front of her for breakfast. "Thanks. How was your night with Irene and Jisoo?"

"It was fun," Jennie answered. "I've been sort of... avoiding of Jisoo this week after last weekend, but I think it was good. She seemed the same as ever—only she was scoping out both guys and girls she thought were hot."

Lisa chuckled a little, taking a sip of her hot coffee. "That's good."

"Yeah. I think I believe everything she said last weekend now," Jennie told Lisa. "I know I was... acting sort of dramatic about it. But... I'm over it."

Lisa just nodded, taking a bite of her cereal and forcing herself to swallow it a moment later, despite her twisting stomach. She couldn't help but wonder if Jennie would be more or less inclined to wanting to tell Jisoo about them if she wasn't worried about any potential feelings being there.

"Lisa, are you okay?" Jennie finally asked, drawing Lisa's surprised gaze.

"Yeah," she insisted quickly, "just tired. It was a long week."

"You worked a lot," Jennie said in acknowledgement. "Well, if you want to get your mind off of... everything, maybe we can go for drinks tonight? As far as I know, Irene has plans with some ladies from the studio, and if I had to guess, I'd say Jisoo will just be doing homework all night. No idea about Chaeyoung. She's been at Mino's almost every night this week."


"So, drinks?" Jennie repeated, quirking an eyebrow.

"Yeah, maybe," Lisa agreed, chewing anxiously on the inside of her cheek for a second.

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