13: We Left Off Somewhere Earlier

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"Still sleeping," Jennie answered, as she poured some pancake batter on the griddle on the stove.

"Those aren't like, super healthy pancakes, are they?" Lisa asked softly, coming around into the kitchen a little to see if she could spot a hint of a smile on Jennie's lips.

"They're just pancakes."

"Jennie..." Lisa trailed off. She really didn't want to press about the 'Jisoo drama' but it was clearly upsetting Jennie. "Is this about something from the party last night?"

"It's really not my business to say," Jennie insisted, "you should just talk to Jisoo."

Lisa sighed. "Okay, got it. You making enough for everyone, or should I get cereal?"

Jennie finally looked up at Lisa, and Lisa thought she actually looked a little offended. "Obviously, I'm making enough for everyone."

"How was that supposed to be obvious? You seem pretty pissed off."

Jennie blew out a long breath. "Sorry. I'm not mad at you, I'm just... frustrated. I woke up first and decided to make breakfast for everyone. And like you've said, pancakes are the best hangover food."

Lisa smiled a little, wishing she could see a similar expression on Jennie's face, but accepting that it wasn't in the cards just yet. "Cool. Thanks."


Lisa settled on the couch, checking her phone notifications. She had a missed call from an unknown number earlier that morning, and as she was dismissing the notification, she saw in her recent calls her grandparents' number. She frowned when she realized she still hadn't gotten the chance to talk to her Grandpa since she asked her Nana to have him call her. She rolled her eyes a little and made a mental note to call them again soon.

Irene came downstairs not too long later, followed by Jisoo coming out from her shower, and finally, Chaeyoung and Mino emerging after both slipping into the bathroom for a few minutes. By that point, the pancakes were done, and Lisa had already scarfed down two of them, and it was just about noon.

Irene stretched her arms up above her head when she finished her breakfast. "Thanks, Jennie, you're the best."

"No problem," Jennie said, seeming like she was in about the same mood as when Lisa came down. Lisa hadn't tried to say anything else to her, not wanting to say the wrong thing and actually end up having Jennie be mad at her.

"Oh, Jisoo," Irene said, drawing Jisoo's attention. The dark haired woman had been quiet since she returned to the living room, other than muttering a quiet thanks to Jennie for breakfast. Lisa really wished she knew what was going on this morning. "We still down for clubbing tonight?"

"You guys are going out partying tonight?" Lisa asked in surprise.

"Yeah, you wanna join?" Irene asked.

Lisa laughed as she shook her head—she would've refused regardless, but she also suddenly recalled the previous night, when Jennie had whispered for her to not make any plans the following night. Had she known that Irene and Jisoo would be going out? "No, I'm good," Lisa said, glancing curiously between Chaeyoung and Jennie now—the latter just so she didn't seem like she was assuming that Jennie wasn't, and asked, "are you all going?"

"I think it's just me and Irene," Jisoo said with a shake of her head.

"Yeah, I'm gonna be at Mino's tonight," Chaeyoung told Lisa.

And with that, it made total sense why Jennie had told her not to make any plans. "Ah, okay." She glanced at Jennie, realizing that she hadn't answered.

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