3: Actually Talking

Start from the beginning

All of her roommates were home when she got there, and Jisoo asked if she needed dinner, saying that they were going to get food. Lisa declined, having just ate, and headed upstairs for a shower.

As she was changing into pajamas after her shower, she saw a text from Jisoo saying that she and Chaeyoung were likely going to be staying out pretty late, so if they didn't come home at a reasonable time, that was why. Lisa shot a text back to Jisoo acknowledging it, appreciating the information. It was a Friday night, though, and the girls were in college, so she wasn't surprised.

Jennie didn't go with them, which was made extra clear after Lisa had been lounging on her bed for a while, and she suddenly heard Jennie in her room through the walls.

"I'm not asking for anything other than what is mine," she exclaimed.

It sounded like she was in the middle of another phone conversation, so she must have just raised her voice, because Lisa hadn't been able to hear her beforehand.

"I can't believe you're taking their side! Oh no, you can't do that, okay? I have never done—no, it's not about that! Okay, it's mine, and they can't just keep it there! Don't you think that I would if I could?"

Lisa sighed uncomfortably, finally getting up from her bed and leaving her bedroom. She closed the door somewhat firmly, but didn't slam it, in the hopes that Jennie would hear it and realize how loud she was being. In the meantime, Lisa made her way downstairs and settled into the couch, turning on the TV and flipping to a random channel.

About fifteen minutes later, she heard feet padding on the stairs, and she glanced to her right as she saw Jennie's coming down the front hallway. Surprisingly, the girl's dark feline eyes made immediately eye contact with hers. "Sorry," Jennie apologized, her voice eerily quiet and void of any edge, "if you came down here because of me. I wasn't trying to shout."

"No worries," Lisa assured her, watching for a second as Jennie made her way into the kitchen. Lisa turned the volume of the TV down a little now that she knew Jennie wasn't yelling on the phone anymore. "Everything okay?"

"Not really," Jennie deadpanned. "Did Jisoo and Chaeyoung go out?"

"Yeah," Lisa answered, looking curiously back at Jennie. "They didn't text you?"

"Oh. I didn't check."

Lisa watched the girl for another moment as she started to pull some food items out of the fridge, and then she turned her attention back to the TV, hoping that she could keep it there. Something about Jennie being in the room was just so... distracting.

"What are you watching?" Jennie asked with distaste.

"I think it's a show sort of like Naked and Afraid," Lisa answered. "I don't know, I just found something that didn't look ridiculously boring. They're like... running around the wilderness or something. Less naked than Naked and Afraid, though."

She heard Jennie snicker. "That's probably for the best."

"So, do Chaeyoung and Jisoo usually go out on Friday nights?" Lisa wondered curiously, glancing back at Jennie. Her attention was definitely straying from the TV.

"Usually. Sometimes I'd join them," Jennie answered. She seemed to be making another salad.

"You eat so much salad," Lisa commented, before immediately receiving a glare from those dark, intense eyes. "What? I'm impressed. Salad is so not delicious."

"How would you know? Every time I've seen you eat in the last week, you've been eating frozen meals or pizza," Jennie scorned.

"Well, that doesn't mean I've never eaten a salad before," Lisa joked.

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