
Start from the beginning

"Nothing," JJ's voice hardened, "We didn't do anything."

"Then why are we getting pulled over?" Pope's eyes widened.

"Stash that," John B whipped around from the front, directing JJ to hide the gold under the seat, "Did you bring the gun?"

"No," The blond boy mumbled, shoving the gold in his bag roughly, "B told me to leave it back at the Chateau."

"Thank God," Kiara praised.

"No, thank Bianca," The girl chimed in.

"Please, everything else in your bag," Kiara continued, "How much weed do you have on you, bro?"

"Chill, Kie," JJ scoffed, "B's got this-"

Bianca gaped at the boy, slapping his shoulder lightly, "JJ- I can't sweet talk every cop in Kildare."

"Yeah, well-"

Suddenly, a loud click resounded from the driver's seat window and the crew halted, breaths held and bodies frozen as the van stood at a dead calm. From the front of the van, John B was staring down the barrel of a gun, a masked man shoving it into his face threateningly.

"All y'all's hands up in the air, now!" A deep voice yelled, slightly muffled by a black balaclava wrapped around his jaw, "You- get out the car, let's go!" Pushing the gun further towards the Routledge boy.

Bianca's heart was pounding now, a paralysing fear coursing through her veins as John B stepped hesitantly out of the van. The masked man continue to flail the gun around, barking orders to open the door.

"Let them out! What you waitin' on!? Let them out! All y'all get out!"

John B slid the door open slowly, his adam's apple bobbing unsteadily as he glanced around at the group, stopping at Sarah who was whimpering in the corner.

"Go on! Get out the car, let's go! Hurry up!" The gunman came beside the door, shoving John B back to yell into the van, the barrel of the gun aimed at each of their faces.

Pope went first, stepping in front with his hands raised to let the girls follow down the stairs without being in the firing line.

"Come on- get out the car!" The man snarled, "Let's go! Hurry the fuck up!

Bianca's heart beat out of her chest, with widened eyes she turned to the Maybank boy who'd also been glancing at her, jaw clenched. JJ took her wrist gently, manoeuvring between her and the gunman, pushing her behind him.

Bianca removed her wrist from his grasp, instead slipping her hand into his. JJ could feel Bianca's hand trembling so he gave it a soft squeeze as if to remind her that he was right there with her, and he'd keep his promise. He wouldn't let anyone hurt her ever again.

JJ tried to protest, "We're all broke-"

"Shut the hell up!" The gunman screamed back louder, shoving the gun into his face, "Shut up!"

"Alright-" JJ yelled harshly at him, "Just chill out!"

Bianca's chest tightened, breaths shallow as she glanced at the gun pointed directly at JJ's chest. The blond boy stepped backwards as the man continued to press the barrel towards him, screaming at him to get back and shut the hell up.

"I'll blow your damn head off!" He continued, "Lay down in the ditch! Lay down in the ditch- on your goddamn hands and knees! Down! Put your face on the ground! Don't let me see you look up!"

Before Bianca's knees could hit the rocky ground, she felt a harsh grip on her arm, roughly pulling her away from her friends who were all lined up on the ground, "Now, what do we have here?" The man cooed in a sickly sweet voice.

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