I drifted my eyes over to the entrance of the basement of this place, I drifted off to there as the music still roared on.

The basement was cold an dark. This place held many many foreign items. Maybe one to get me to my sisters. Not Manon though, she will be when we get back to the Wastes if it's even possible after the wrydgate was sealed.

All the objects called to me, as if they were singing their own song. I felt something awaken deep in my chest as I approached a book and a key.

I was drawn towards the two items, they sang a song.. the song of the Witch Kingdom I realized. This- This could be it. Maybe this was the key to bring my eleven other sisters to this realm to take them home.

I touched the orb, unlike the freezing room it was warm, friendly. Not today, but tomorrow I'd come for them. I don't think Rhysand would approve of my stealing anyways.

Once I reached the top, people were dispersing, I kept close to a corner to make it seem as if I was there the entire time. I had spent some time with Helion to learn how to make a shield Adobe me to cover my scent. So I used that when I went down to those objects.

Once everyone left Mor winnowed me to the House of Wind, Az grabbed me and flew me into the House.

I nodded my thanks before heading to my rooms, I'd explore a little more with the marks and hopefully not spawn a demon that the Hellas created.

I switched my extravagant clothes for a pair of black leggings and a grey shirt.

I grabbed the book of Firyxmarks and sat down on the floor again to being my work.

I recut my palm and started drawing more of those marks, I knew if I was alive then my sisters had to be too. I would destroy worlds to see their faces again.


I smiled at the memory of them, I would love to hug Manon again even if it were jest a mere moment.

I murmed the foreign words, "de zol mei centra," A small portal opened at the marks burned. I looked in it. Vesta had to be there. I felt it.

I brushed away the marks and the portal disappeared, I wrote Vesta under that spell and continued doing so for the rest of my sisters.

Hours had passed. I only found Vesta, Edda, Briar, and Ghislaine. An excellent start.

I picked up the book and placed it on the shelf with the rest of the ones that I had in my room.

I took a clean towel and cleaned the blood from the ground.

I switched into my flying leathers and tied my hair back, it had been a few days since I rode Narene. I needed to feel the wind on my face, something that I could always do now with or without magic.

I opened my door and was about to make my way down the 10,000 steps to my Wyvern when I heard sniffling from Az's room.

Was he ok? Was my immediate thought. Instead of turning left, I turned right to where his room was.

I knocked once, I sworn I felt him freeze. I opened the door and found him hugging his knees with his shadows curled around him

"Are you alright?" I asked my voice was gentle. He stared at me with surprise, almost as if he was surprised I wasn't laughing at this 500 year old man for crying.

The door shut behind me as I walked closer to him, he seemed to tense up even more, "Bad dream?" I asked, it was probably that noting the hour of the day.

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