• Chapter 18 •

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~Fragrance of love~

Few months flew past.....


Rithwik POV

It has been four months of Rithya(Rithwik×Maya) Sounds right!?

Haha! I loved the idea of ship names. These small things I always wished to do being in a relationship. After the proposal, the best thing is she decided to take up blogger job in our unit having a discussion with MD.

Today was a bit cloudy morning, yet humid. I was at her home.
Her backyard surrounded with fragrance of magnificent roses unique as her. When I approached the front door, the rumbling sounds backyard made me peep into.

There she was... she faced the plants murmuring with a divine smile. I took time to examine her compact, old fashioned loveliest garden ever... the delicate plants sheltered in terracotta pots swayed gracefully as the air ordered them. The pleasant fragrance of the vibrant flowers filled throughout. The droplets laid on the fresh roses captured my eyes. I tip-toped towards, with a plan to scare her. All of the sudden, she turned to me charging the hose pipe making me wet!

"Oh my Goddd! Rithwik! sorry sorry..." she threw the hose down as she bit her tongue, raising her brows at me hoping like a rabbit. Ufff... how can I handle so much cuteness???

Instantly, She burst out laughing scanning me up to down like a clown! So cruelllll *pouts*

I stretched my arms moving closer. She hopped grabbing the hose and attacked me with it AGAIN! She continued giggling. My eyes met a bucket of water nearby. With no time, I lifted it and splashed on her.


OOPS!............. MY BAD! that was muddy water and I am gone for sure. The light yellow tops she wore patched with the dirt. She gritted her teeth getting highly annoyed.

Then, it was expected scene of she running behind me with her sweet-curse words.

I took the hose and charged her making her gasp. "Well, now the dirt went off....... relax junior" I said while she gazed water dripping from her hair.

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