• Chapter 10 •

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~Reality hits hard~

The bright sunlight flashed on the tall private hospital. Inside, Rithika and Abhi, still on their party attire were sitting on the waiting bench after a restless night. She was dozed off leaning on his shoulder. Abhi's weary eyes was laid on the adjacent ward.

Inside the ward, Maya and Rithwik were lying on their respective beds. He had a thick bandage on his forehead.

The curtains moved on the wind, showing shadow of someone behind it. His sharp eyes moved to the beds. Marching in short steps, he stood close Maya's bed.

"He won't be spared." His raspy voice emerged. Pulling a iron rod from the left side of broad long brown coat, he cruelly hit...

Maya gasped and shook up from her dreams. Her eyes budged out terrified and she scanned the whole ward in haste. Once finding none, she let a huge sigh of relief. She buried her dull face in her hands running into her hair.

Her ears hit creak from the next bed, which she finds Rithwik turned to her side. She noticed his eye lids began to move slowly. Her heart raced up and she faintly got down of the bed. Keeping eyes on him, she rummaged the medical items.

She filled a liquid in a syringe and carefully injected in his arm. He didn't show any movement. She quickly moved to the restroom, changing her attire, taking her bag and disposed the syringe.

Peeing out of the door, she saw Rithika and Abhi discussing with doctor at distance.

"No internal injury. He needs some rest and medication. Well, come to my cabin" the three moved to the end corridor.

Checking empty corridor, covering face with shawl and sneaked out of the hospital.

Later that midnight,

Rithwik blinked his eyes slowly. Regaining the memory, the first word he shouted was Maya. The old horror took over him.

Rithika dashed into the ward and tried to calm him. She got scared on his yellings.

"Maya... blood.. I.. she was.. fainted... where... she....I took.. I want her.."

"Rithwik.. Rithwik.. everything is alright.. she-she is alright... please calm down... calm.." she gulped and fed him glass of water.

"Where is Maya?" He eyes roamed around. Rithika's heart pounded on how to reply him. His reactions weren't normal.

"She.. she.. left.."

"What.. where?" He agitated.

"We have no idea.... she was next to ur bed.. she isn't there from morning..." Rithika said.

"How can u leave her? Where is she now?" His questions made her perplexed. Fortunately, doctor came in and advised he must relax.

Rithika's POV

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