Chapter Eighteen: Battle

Start from the beginning

Tor leapt at one of the planes, colliding with its nose and tearing the cockpit to pieces

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Tor leapt at one of the planes, colliding with its nose and tearing the cockpit to pieces. The plane crashed in the middle of the street, creating a massive explosion. From the flames leapt Faora.

"Oh, shit," The jet's pilot said, knowing what was about to happen.

But it didn't. Just as Faora was about to hit the A-10, she was intercepted by (Y/N), who tackled her and sent the two flying into a nearby restaurant. People ran and hid as (Y/N) and Faora got up. (Y/N) glanced at some of the people, making sure they were ok. It would come at a cost, because Faora hit him full force and sent him flying back. He got up and tried to do the same, but she was able to dodge his attack.

"You are weak, son of El," She said. "Unsure of yourself."

(Y/N) threw a few punches, but was thrown back yet again.

"The fact that you possess a sense of morality, and we do not, gives us an evolutionary advantage. And if history has proven anything..."

She picked him up and threw him out of the building and into another one.

"It is that evolution always wins."

She leapt after (Y/N), ready to throw him yet again, but (Y/N) was able to land a sufficient blow and knock her down. He grabbed Faora and pummeled her through the street, hurting both of them and damaging Faora's helmet. As they both got up, a large group of soldiers approached them from behind Faora. (Y/N) could hear their radio chatter. It wasn't much, but he was able to make out 'Engage all targets.' He got up and turned to see a pair of helicopters, which opened fire on him, Faora, and Tor, who had reappeared behind Faora. (Y/N) and Faora both took the fire, they were bulletproof, so it meant nothing. Tor grabbed a van that was nearby and threw it at the helicopters. It collided with one, causing it to spin out and causing the pilot to fall out. (Y/N) saw this, and flew to him, grabbing him before he hit the ground.

"You ok?" he asked the soldier. He nodded, then pulled out his gun and dove out of the way. Tor was trying to punch (Y/N). (Y/N) didn't see in time and was knocked back. The other helicopter crashed in front of Faora, who then turned to facer the soldiers that were behind her. She leapt in front of them, taking bullets from all sides. She proceeded to punch a few in the gut, throw two into some more, and grab the engine of the crashed A-10 and hit the rest with it.

Meanwhile, (Y/N) flew at Tor, hitting him twice before having his hands grabbed. (Y/N) was thrown down into the ground, grabbed, and dragged up as Tor leapt, being thrown back into the ground. 'How I wish Wanda was here right now.'

The pilot of the second helicopter, the leader of the operation, had dropped out of his crashed vehicle and was now looking at Faora, who leapt at him and landed on a car, crushing it. He grabbed a gun from inside the helicopter and began to fire, but to no avail, running out of ammo shortly. He grabbed his holstered pistol and fired it, also doing absolutely nothing. 

(Y/N) had gotten up now and was punching Tor, stunning the massive Kryptonian each time. He grabbed Tor by the back and flew up, then punched him, knocking him into a nearby freight train, causing the train to explode.

The helicopter pilot pulled out his knife, and Faora did the same.

"A good death is its own reward," Faora said. She respected the pilot for not being a coward. As they were about to engage each other, (Y/N) tackled Faora into the ground, causing her helmet to glitch even more.

"You will not win," She said to (Y/N). "For every human you save we will kill a million more."

Part of the massive freight train crashed into (Y/N), sending him flying back into a building. Faora turned to face the incoming missile one of the remaining A-10s had fired, holding her hand up as though she could stop it. The missile exploded anyway. 

An explosion sounded in the sky. The Kryptonian scout ship had returned, ramming into one of the A-10s and destroying the other with its blaster. The ship landed, and Tor grabbed Faora's unconscious body, carrying her onto the ship, which took off, heading back to the main craft.

The soldiers crept into the half-destroyed shop, guns raised. Part of the crashed train moved, and (Y/N) walked out from the wreckage, guns now aimed at him. He walked out slowly, the sun beginning to shine on his suit, and, one by one, the soldiers lowered their weapons. (Y/N) looked at all of them, giving a silent thanks. The helicopter pilot walked towards (Y/N) and stared him in the eyes.

"This man is not our enemy," he said.

"Thank you Colonel," he said, then leapt into the sky, heading towards the Kryptonian craft. It was still operational, which meant the Avengers would need his help.

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