Chapter Thirty-two

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I continue to float in the warm water that embraces me like a comforting hug. What feels like a second is actually an hour and I don't mind staying here. First to get rid of all the blood and dirt that clings to my body like a second skin. Second to get some distance between a certain male and myself.

It clears my mind to not have him close. I can see everything more clearly, if he is not in my vision anymore. That way I can't feel his body heat or even smell him next to me. But too soon I'm back in reality. My skin starts to feel colder and I know I have to go back to them.

With a last sigh I step out of my comfort zone and put on my undergarments. They are still a bit wet, though it is better than being dirty. Normally I would just freely walk out like that to the fire that I know Cedrik already prepared. But I don't feel comfortable being half naked next to Arijus. So I put on the clothes that aren't ripped too much and make my way towards the two men, who are already waiting for me.

Like I expected, the fire is already lit and while Arijus puts some more wood into the burning flames, Cedric throws his wet shirt over an old looking branch for it to dry. He is shirtless right now and when I look at his upper body, I remember that we are not immortal. Unintentionally I scan his scars. Scars engraved onto his body by the goodly war a long time ago.

We heal faster than normal human beings. But scars inflicted by gods don't recover the same. Some will stay forever and you will remember them for eternity. Especially the pain. I carry a few as well, hidden underneath my clothes. Though I'm not ashamed to show them. They are a part of me, my adventures and everything I have been through.

Slowly I step towards the fire and Arijus stops mid sentence. He talks to Cedric like there is no tomorrow, but the sight of me gets him to be quiet.

I go over to him and crouch down, so that we are at the same eye level. However I make sure that there is an arm length of distance between us. I just want to dry my clothes with the heat, which warms my skin as soon as I step closer to it. It tingles and dances across my hands as I stretch them out, to get some warmth into them.

It's crazy how the weather changes so fast at this place. I still remember the tropical heat this morning and how the sweat was running down my face. But now I almost want to put on another layer to get warmer. And I'm sure the temperature will drop down even more the darker it gets.

"You don't have to stop talking when I'm around. It is kind of rude, you know. I may believe you are talking bad about me, if you stop," I say and the sudden urge to tease him grows inside of me.

"What? No! I'm not talking bad about you. I wouldn't do something like that. There is no reason to," he fastly claims. His eyes get bigger as he looks into my face. But I can't stop noticing the slight redness that appears on his cheeks.

"You sure?" I question.

Cedric, who knows me too well, starts to laugh as he sits down next to us. He pushes Arijus shoulder in a friendly manner and shakes his head at me with a grin attached to his lips.

"You have to know that Inanna is immune against my charm."

"What charm?" I snort.

A chuckle leaves his full lips. "See? That is what I'm talking about."

"So you were indeed speaking about me?"

"Well yes, you are a too interesting topic to not talk about," Cedric tells me and out of habit my answer is to throw him an annoyed glare.

Arijus meets my eye again and the clear interest shines behind them. It's astonishing how vivid the color seems and how innocent they look. It's the cause for my next action, made without thinking.

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