"Smart move trying to dodge my sister." Kotonaru turned visible again to guide her hand across Izuku's cheek from behind him. "You know, you're a lot cuter than we gave you credit for. This'll be fun to break you until you can't move anymore in front of Ochako before breaking her in front of you."

"LEAVE HER OUT OF THIS!" Izuku was about to elbow the villain, but had his right arm gain a similar puncture wound like his calve.

"Naughty naughty Izuku~" Meinai appeared in front of him with her other set of blades placed on the left side of Izuku's forehead and brought down to cut from his head to his chin. "It isn't gentlemanly for a man to hit a woman. Just like THIS!" Both pulled their blades out and got to Izuku's chest to kick him in the stomach and send him into a wall.

"Izuku...." Ochako tried to move with her body still feeling off with the drugs in her system.

"Ah ah ah. Can't have you meddling in our little fight Ochako. So as a precaution..." Meinai took a metal bat to Ochako's leg to have a cracking sound be heard.

The pain took a moment to register in her before Ochako wailed in agony. "AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!"

Izuku moved up with the thanks of the wall to feel some ability in his body be able to return. 'I gotta help her.' He began using a quirk to weaponize his blood a bit before having another gash down his chest.

"You think we'd be stupid enough to let you do what you're trying and get away with it?" Kotonaru came in front of Izuku to hold her blades to his neck. "So easily we could end this for you. I could pierce through your neck." She moved her blades up to be directly in front of Izuku's eyes. "I could put my blades into these beautiful emerald green eyes of yours right into your brain." The villain once again moved her blades to position it right between his rib bones on his left side. "Or I can even pierce this cute little heart of yours. Right now, you're no stronger than a quirkless with some forms of training."

'That's right. Keep running your mouth.' Izuku's blood began crystallizing behind him at a slow rate out of view of Kotonaru. 'I'm gonna have to suck up the pain for now.' He pierced himself to hit the villain's shoulder.

"AAHHH!" Kotonaru pulled back in pain for Izuku to start running with the injury from before slowing him down. "YOU BASTARD!"

"Oh this will be fun." Meinai held a gun to Ochako's head and was prepared to pull the trigger. "Sorry Ochako. But we'll need to end this sooner than I hoped. But don't worry. Izuku will be joining you soon."

'I'm only gonna get one shot at this!' Izuku activated Damage Torrent to begin moving a bit faster. He then activated Wolfram's telekinesis to force the gun near him to grab and dodge Kotonaru coming at him for payback. In the moment, Izuku turned to Meinai to shoot at her head.

"AHH." The shot narrowly missed her skull to graze her head and make a gash.

'Now's my chance.' Izuku aimed both his hands at the twins with them noticing it just when the AFO user was able to fire off an air pressure attack at both. This knocked them both back for Izuku to get to Ochako, grab her and run to the stairs.

"Ah! I'll kill that fucking brat!"

"Patience Kotonaru. He's no different than an injured animal. And when he stops, we'll finish the job." Meinai licked some blood coming down the side of her upper lip from the gunshot wound and smiled.

With Izuku and Ochako

"Ochako. Ochako, can you hear me?" The brunette looked up to see Izuku a bloodied mess to reach for his head.

"I...Izuku....Why aren't you healing." She spoke in a hoarse voice as the two made it to the surface.

"Somethings happening with my quirks. I think it had something to do with the drug in the syringe they stuck me with. I can use my quirks, but they're at a slower pace than before."

The Underworlds HeroМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя