Chapter 110: Breathtaking

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Translator: YTJS_  Editor: Perriemix

Qie was too embarrassed to continue sitting there and watch the show. She has been in Jin Ling for more than 10 years and though she has never been assimilated into the noble circle, her reputation was stellar. She thought that this feast was an opportunity for her to finally get in with the nobles, but then this  happened. She wanted to strangle Ye Jinrong.

Ye Jinrong didn’t dare to make any sound as she obediently sat next to her aunt. She trembled with fear as she saw people around her murmuring and occasionally throw glances at her.

The upper-class women gave tips to the singer at the stage and Qie followed their example. She got someone to seal some money in an envelope to throw it up as a gesture of goodwill to the Elder Princess. However, no matter how much silver she gives, it would be of no use. The Elder Princess already has made up her plan.

When Wei Liujiang received the news, he instantly paled.

“Cousin, there is trouble,” Wei Liujiang told Mu Qinchu when he pulled him out.

“What problem could there be?” Mu Qinchu asked vacantly, his attention still on the acrobats.

Wei Liujiang has no other choice but to tell him the truth about Jinrong. His father made it clear to him that this matter should only be known by his aunt, but this was an emergency.

“What?” Mu Qinchu cried out in alarm. “What have you done?”

“Tone it down! Quick! Help me clean this up or we’ll both be in trouble,” Wei Liujiang pleaded desperately.

Mu Qinchu thought about it for a while before saying, “I’ll look for Zhao Qixuan. He has close ties with Young Royal Highness and he might be willing to help.”

“You must not tell him the truth. Just ask to see a servant woman. Once we see her, we can talk things out,” Wei Liujiang reminded him.

Upon hearing that Wei Liujiang was requesting to see the servant woman who used to work in the Ye family, Zhao Qixuan replied nonchalantly, “Why do I need to step in for such a small matter? Just order the housekeeper to bring the servant over.”

Both of them were unable to speak of their difficulties.

Mu Qinchu said, “I don’t think that it’s appropriate to take things into our hands since this is the royal mansion.”

“Isn’t it just a servant? What is the matter?” Zhao Qixuan asked, still riveted with the show.

The two have no other choice but to look for Assistant Minister Mu.

At the theater troupe, Mum Gui returned and whispered something to Princess Yu De. The latter sneered and nodded before instructing, “Keep a close eye on her.”

Qie and Ye Jinrong were sitting far away and could not hear what Mum Gui had said so they only continued sitting anxiously.

“Didn’t you just return from Yang Zhou? Haven’t you seen the servant woman?” Qie asked softly.

Ye Jinrong replied, “I didn’t see her, but I didn’t know that she has left the Ye household.”

Qi warned, “Whatever happens, just insist that you are the oldest daughter of the Ye family. Otherwise, be prepared to be divorced!”

Ye Jinrong held her tears back, not daring to say anything else.

Ye Jiayao has been busy working in the kitchen. The original 36 tables have increased to 39 which meant more work for her. Luckily, there were enough ingredients.

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