Chapter 58: You Must Be Mistaken

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Translator: YTJS_  Editor: Perriemix

“Sirs, the chef is here.” Ah Xing was mindful to say ‘chef’ instead of ‘Brother Yao’.

With his back to the door, Helian Jing could only clench his fist nervously as he muttered under his breath, “Big Yaoyao, you cannot be angry. This is not my fault, I didn’t bring him here…”

Deng Haichuan entered, cupping his hands together as he said, “Greetings, sirs.”

Upon hearing his voice, Helian Jing’s eyes widened. He turned around and was even more surprised at what he saw.  How is this Big Yaoyao?   But, no, this is better!  Helian Jing kept silent and buried himself in his food.

Xia Chunyu watched Little Jing’s reaction calmly. The chef standing before him looked like he was in his twenties, tall and sturdy, and not at all like the Big Yaoyao that Little Jing mentioned.

“Did you make these dishes yourself?” Xia Chunyu leaned back, drumming his fingers leisurely against the surface of the table.

Deng Haichuan braced himself and answered, “Yes, I made them. Are they to your liking?”

Xia Chunyu raised a brow and said, “Not bad. What is your name?”

Helian Jing’s heart was hanging by a string.

Deng Haichuan could not bring himself to do it. Brother Yao wanted him to pretend to be him, but how could he?

“I… I am called Li…” Deng Haichuan stuttered guiltily.

Helian Jing fell into a violent coughing fit.

“Little Jing, what’s the matter?” Xia Chunyu asked with concern.

Helian Jing pointed at his throat, answering with a husky voice, “Fishbone, stuck… stuck in my throat.”

Ah Xing reacted immediately. “I will go get vinegar.”

Deng Haichuan seized the opportunity and rushed, “I will go with you.”

After finishing half a bottle of vinegar, Helian Jing said with a bitter face, “This won’t do, it’s not coming out. I have to see a physician. Brother Chunyu, accompany me to the physician’s, I feel terrible.”

Helian Jing pulled Brother Chunyu away without giving him the chance to say anything else.

At Jiu De Hall, the physician asked Helian Jing to open his mouth. He took a look and said, “I think it is still better to go back and drink more vinegar or swallow some rice or buns. That should be able to make it go down.”

“What if it doesn’t go down?” Xia Chunyu asked.

The physician replied, “Then he will have to take medicine. The medicine will soften the fishbone.”

“Then why does he need to swallow rice or buns? Get him some medicine now. Travelling back and forth is such a hassle,” Xia Chunyu said.

“I don’t think there is a need, Brother Chunyu. I am not used to medicines. I think I’ll just go back and swallow some rice.” Helian Jing shuddered at the word ‘medicine’. He has grown scared of medicines after taking so much when he was young.

Xia Chunyu pressed him down and told him firmly, “This is not a small matter. Listen to the physician.”

Do you really think that I can’t tell that you’re just pretending? You purposely came up with a situation that would allow the cook to slip away. Are you that afraid that I will see Jin Yao? Whatever you are hiding, I will find out about it sooner or later. You’re still young Little Jing, you can’t fool me.

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