Chapter 29: Why can't You Be A Little More Shameless

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Translator: YTJS_  Editor: Perriemix

The battle only ended when day broke. The army was victorious. First-in-charge, who escaped from the secret passageway, was blocked at the entrance and caught. Second-in-charge’s whereabouts, however, were still unknown.

Following Bai Zongye’s arrest, thousands of bandits surrendered, while others refuse to submit. Those that rather die than give in were slaughtered. The notorious Hei Feng Gang finally disintegrated and ceased to exist.

Only, Yaoyao’s tracks had yet to be discovered.

Song Qi led a gang of brothers to search the corpses but was unable to find her. Yaoyao seemed to have vanished into thin air.

Facing the immense victory, Xia Chunyu did not feel happy. His heart felt more and more empty as the seconds passed with no news of Yaoyao. He should’ve been rejoicing, yet, here he was, sick to his stomach with worry.

“Has no one seen her at all?” Xia Chunyu asked, depressed.

Song Qi replied, “When we caught second-in-charge’s henchman, Li Tie, he said that before the battle happened, sis… Lady Ye was kidnapped by second-in-charge. She was imprisoned in the little house beside the meeting room. However, when I went over there, there was only a piece of bloodstained rope and an open window. Lady Ye must have escaped from the window.”

When Xia Chunyu heard the word bloodstained, his heart contracted into a tight vise. Second-in-charge must have realized Yaoyao eavesdropped in their conversation and captured her.

“Some men from the group of bandits who were arrested in the meeting room said that Lady Ye told them about it. She was the reason they knew of the passageway.” Song Qi visibly deflated and continued, “After that… there was no news of Lady Ye.”

“Master Crown Prince, there is someone outside called Auntie Jiang who wishes to see you.” A guard entered with the message.

Auntie Jiang? Xia Chunyu ordered hurriedly, “Let her in.”

After escaping the previous night, Auntie Jiang was busy taking care of the injured Auntie Zhao. She only came to look for third-in-charge to inquire about third madam. She was going to go as soon as she finished helping Auntie Zhao settle down, but she had no idea where third-in-charge was. She had asked many soldiers but they all ignored her. She couldn’t ask her old partner because he had gone to lead the army to the secret passageway to chase after first-in-charge.

“Third-in-charge!” At the sight of third-in-charge, Auntie Jiang was overwhelmed by an inexpressible agitation.

Song Qi smiled. “Auntie Jiang, it’s time to call him Master Crown Prince.”

“Yes, yes, my stupid mouth! Master Crown Prince, please do not take offense.” Auntie Jiang laughed in embarrassment.

Xia Chunyu was not concerned. “Auntie Jiang, have you seen Yaoyao?”

Auntie Jiang was astounded. “Master Crown Prince, you haven’t found third madam yet? That is terrible.”

Xia Chunyu’s heart sank. “What do you mean?”

Aunti Jiang recounted the events of the previous night. She started with how she and Auntie Zhao met second-in-charge and almost got slashed by him, continuing onto how third madam came to save them and became second-in-charge’s hostage.

“Auntie Zhao and I followed the direction third madam gave to look for you, Master Crown Prince. It was a pity we could not find you, but instead, we ran into a few soldiers. I told them where the second-in-charge of the stockade was at and they chased after him. I thought third madam would have been saved. Third madam gave herself over to save me, otherwise, she would not have been held hostage by second-in-charge. This is all my fault!” Auntie Jiang thought of Ye Jiayao’s kind and selfless heart, and could not help but weep grievingly.

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