Chapter 4: Die of Anger

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Translator: YTJS_  Editor: Perriemix

Ye Jiayao could not remember whether she fainted or simply fell asleep from over-exhaustion last night. She was already in a deep sleep before the sun was out – that was until someone shook her shoulders roughly.

She was actually dreaming that she was discussing her creative insights and concepts to the editor-in-chief of a delicacy magazine. The editor-in-chief was engrossed in her presentation and was so impressed by her skills and knowledge that he said, “Ye Jiayao, you will handle the delicacy column for next week.”

“Wake up! Wash and change me!” someone yelled, disturbing her dream impolitely.

Ye Jiayao laughed foolishly in her dream, half-consciously hitting the annoying hand away as she wrapped herself up in the blanket. She turned away and said in annoyance, “Stop bothering me, I want to sleep.”

Xia Chunyu screamed her name, “Ye Jinxuan!”

“You’re so noisy! Can you not be so irritating?” Ye Jiayao grumbled, covering her head with the blanket.

Xia Chunyu lifted the blanket away from her and howled, “Are you a pig? Only pigs sleep so much! Get up!”

Ye Jiayao felt cold so she sat up in frustration, shouting with her eyes still closed, “Have you lost your marbles?” She pounced to get the blanket back, hugging it tightly and lying back down to sleep.

She was hurting all over! It’s as if she just ran 3000 meters because there was not a single part of her body that was not aching.

Ugh! Ye Jiayao felt a shiver down her spine and she opened her eyes in shock. She had thought that she was still in her home back in the 21st century! She had forgotten that she has time-traveled to another time. What did she yell at him just now? Oh, lost his marbles! Well, sh*t ! She has angered him again.

Although her back was to him, she could hear his heavy breathing from behind her and she just knew that he was about to erupt.

Ye Jiayao coughed dryly, sitting up properly with the blanket still around her and looked at his face timidly. His eyes were dark with anger and his face was cold as ice. Ye Jiayao only thought of two phrases: dark clouds above-head, torrential rainfall about to descend.

Ye Jiayao started kissing up to him immediately, smiling embarrassedly. “That… I am so sorry! I thought I was at home.”

Xia Chunyu looked at her expressionless for a few seconds. He just told him he had lost his marbles, and even though he does not know exactly what it meant, he has strong suspicions that it was less than respectable.

None of her demeanor was that of a wealthy family’s daughter. She just looked like a spoilt and willful lady.

“Are you really the daughter of Ye sub-prefect? Are you usually this overbearing and bossy at home?” Xia Chunyu demanded.

Ye Jiayao cursed at him silently. You are the bossy one! You lot of bandits are bossy! “No, no, no, I thought it was Xiao Hei who was annoying me just now.”

“Xiao Hei?” Xia Chunyu raised his eyebrows in question.

Ye Jiayao nodded. “Mmhmm, Xiao Hei is a dog, around that big.” Ye Jia Yao pointed to the teapot on the table. To prove that the dog really existed, Ye Jiayao added, “Xiao Hei is the offspring of the gatekeeper’s Labrador and a wild dog from somewhere. Xiao Hei is cute and cheeky so I adopted him, but he is quite annoying. He will jump on my bed early in the morning to lick me and annoy me. At night, he will lie around on my bed and I can’t even chase him away.”

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