Chapter 25: Tighten Your Belt

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Translator: YTJS_  Editor: Perriemix

After the Dragon-breaking Stone was opened, Hei Feng Gang began an extensive robbing exercise. On the first day, two teams were sent down the mountains and came back with only minimal gains because it was not the season for harvesting. On the second day, seven teams of men and horses went to a farther village to plunder provisions and properties. However, when night fell, only four of the seven teams made it back. Not only that, they returned empty-handed, battered and exhausted, and reportedly exchanged blows with the army and the people from Xin Yi. There was still no news of the other three teams.

The management of the stockade held an emergency meeting. Even second-in-charge, who was still recuperating, attended.

Auntie Jiang came to help wash some clothes, wearing a grave expression.

“Auntie Wu’s man is gone. She cried so mournfully. If it had not been us pulling her back, she would have banged her head against the wall and died.” Auntie Jiang sighed. Although she was not on good terms with Auntie Wu, her grudges were swept aside in seeing a fellow auntie wracked with so much grief.

“Isn’t Auntie Wu’s man part of the missing teams? How do you know for certain that he is gone?” Ye Jiayao knew that many died, but the detailed list of deceased had yet to be announced.

“The brothers from the Pan Long Mountain Ridges just sent 20 corpses back, saying that the people from Xin Yi threw them there and left. Auntie Wu’s man’s body was almost split into half -” Auntie Jiang retched, thinking of the horrible scene.

Ye Jiayao shuddered. Ever since she came up the mountains, though there were sullen times, life was pretty good. There was no hurry to escape and she felt that there was a lot of time to plan and look for opportunities. However, this sudden change caused her to feel a strong sense of distress.

She could not be certain that the army would listen to her explanation after attacking the mountains. Even if she explained herself, she was afraid no one would believe her. Xia Chunyu was right. If news of her being kidnapped by Hei Feng Gang got out, the reputation of the Ye and Wei family would be damaged. Therefore, both families would definitely try to conceal the news as a way to salvage the situation. Hence, if she were to say that she was the daughter of the Ye family, and the daughter-in-law of the Wei family, no one would believe her. Her only identity would be the wife of the third-in-charge of Hei Feng Gang.

“From what I see, our stockade is going down this time.” Auntie Jiang shook her head.

“Auntie Jiang, if the stockade is attacked, do you think we would be able to survive?” Ye Jiayao asked worriedly.

Auntie Jiang smiled bitterly. “If the army attacks, us women, might be able to survive. If it is the people of Xin Yi that attacked, it would be hard to say. Their people are far more cruel than us! However, towards a young and beautiful woman like you, third madam, they might let you go. A ruined old woman like me would be sure to be chopped up like melon without batting an eyelid.”

Ye Jiayao could not even bother to give a bitter laugh. Even if she managed to survive, she would probably be reduced to yet another woman of a bandit! She would have been better off sticking with Chunyu! At least, he was pleasing to the eyes! Besides, Chunyu was gentle and thoughtful at times. Like these past two nights, he religiously rubbed her stomach for the whole night, no matter how she changed her sleeping position.

She admits, that if she was placed in his situation, she would not be able to do that.

“Forget it, let’s not talk about these things. I believe first-in-charge would have a plan, and if that is of no use, there is still third-in-charge. He will protect us,” Ye Jiayao said without much confidence.

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