Chapter 37: Sad Little Jing

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Translator: Kats  Editor: Perriemix

Both of them wanted to eat watermelons, but neither were willing to steal it. When it was clear that no one was going to budge in their staring contest, Ye Jiayao suggested a game to end it.

“Let’s play Rock, Paper, Scissors, and whoever loses has to go take a watermelon.” Ye Jiayao smiled cunningly. “Little Jingjing, what are we going to play?”

Helian Jing hid his hands behind his back and stared at her cautiously. “What are you playing?”

Ye Jiayao laughed. “I will play scissors.”

Helian Jing contemplated. Is he lying just to make me play paper?   Or make me play rock?  Whatever! I’ll just play scissors too and get an even game.

“Come on, let’s get on with it! Just don’t be a sore loser, okay?” Ye Jiayao looked downright maniacal. She was not satisfied with the simple conclusion made by a psychologist. She wanted to improve her odds and find other ways for a sure win.

“Are you sure you’re not the sore loser?” Helian Jing sneered at her.

“Rock, paper, scissors, show…”

Ye Jiayao laughed when she saw him play scissors. Little Jingjing really was adorably naive when it comes to the ways of the world.

Helian Jing’s mouth gaped open, speechless. “You played it unfairly! You told me that you were going to play scissors? Why did you play rock?”

Ye Jiayao flicked his forehead. “Little Jingjing, are you really just this easy to fool? Haven’t you ever heard of ‘strategy’? It’s just like making a noise in the east and attacking from the west. You still have a lot to learn, little brother. For now, be good and go take a watermelon. I’ll teach you how to smartly play this game, afterward.”

Helian Jing was so confused and dejected he wanted to hit something. He really couldn’t do anything right with this guy.

Ye Jiayao watched as Helian Jing sneak inside the watermelon field, walking wobbly on his toes. She couldn’t steal a chicken before, but she figured that stealing a watermelon wouldn’t sit so heavily on her conscience. She actually thought it was funny. There were so many watermelons in the field anyway, taking one or two wasn’t a big deal.

Helian Jing really didn’t want to do it. If he continued with this, he would forever be a watermelon thief. Also, the watermelons weren’t mature yet, they might not be sweet enough.

He turned his head and hesitantly looked at Ye Jiayao.

Ye Jiayao gestured for him to hurry up.

Helian Jing had to force himself to pull out the biggest watermelon he found.

Woof! Woof! Woof!

No one knew where the big black dog came from, but they didn’t notice it until it rushed right in front of Helian Jing and barked menacingly at him.

Helian Jing turned pale and immediately scooped the watermelon up, fleeing away without heeding the path he was running in.

Ye Jiayao was spooked by the incident. They didn’t know there was a big guard dog here! Ye Jiayao waved at Helian Jing desperately and shouted, “Come up, here!”

However, the dog blocked the way Ye Jiayao was pointing to. Helian Jing ran to the other side of the field, desperate to get away. In his hurry, and factoring in the bleak sky, he stepped into a dung jar buried near the field, failing to notice it.

Ye Jiayao blinked and small Jingjing was gone.  Stupid kid! How is he such a fastrunner?  It wasn’t until she spotted the dog barking at one spot incessantly, did she realized that something was wrong. She waited until the dog walked away before carefully walking over there.

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