Chapter 35: You Have to Listen to Me

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Translator: Kats  Editor: Perriemix

Ye Jiayao couldn’t help but feel dejected whenever she thought of that stupid donkey. That guy was undercover for more than half a year, and now that he has successfully accomplished his mission, he must have been promoted to a higher position. Ayy, had I known he was a prince and a “Mr. Perfect”, I would have tried harder to keep him. Alas, how could she have known? Whatever, what’s passed has passed. There’s no point in dwelling on what could’ve happened.

Ye Jiayao hung Helian Jing’s clothes on the back of the chair and laid down next to him.

“Why don’t you take off your clothes? Your clothes are also wet.” Helian Jing stuck his finger out and poked at Ye Jiayao’s shoulder which was stained with water.

“Go to sleep and mind your own business.” Ye Jiayao slapped his hand away and turned around to sleep. Bringing this guy along is quite troublesome. I shouldn’t let him catch on that I’m a girl.

Helian Jing made a face and stuck his tongue out at her back. You brat! I’ll let you have your way. Once you know my real identity, I bet you’d be kneeling in front of me.

This outing was seriously not going as smoothly as he planned. He originally wanted to follow his older brother who came to Shan Dong to suppress the bandits, but his mother forbade him. He barely managed to sneak out, and after all the trouble he went through, he arrived yesterday only to find out that his older brother had already left. His older brother had already gotten rid of the bandits’ nest and was already escorting the head bandit back to Jin Ling. Helian Jing did not want to go back despite not catching up with his older brother, so he came to Ji Nan to travel around. He didn’t know that he would have such unlucky encounters on his first day.

Usually, it would only be his older brother who would scold him. Who else would even dare to breathe loudly near him? However, today, he was yelled at and told off by that brat and also left out in the pouring rain. When has he ever been so irritated before in his sixteen years of life? It was all thanks to that one person.

So, I’ll just tolerate all I can for now and we’ll see what happens when we get back to Jin Ling. Heh heh.

The man next to him let out a loud snore. Helian Jing covered his ears and shifted towards Ye Jiayao, putting his head next to her shoulders. A hint of fragrance drifted towards him. In this space filled with all sorts of nasty smells, this fragrance was welcome and his breathing finally became less strained.

Helian Jing slowly drifted to sleep as he lied by her side.

The sky gradually became brighter and people in the hostel started to wake up one by one. Ye Jiayao was awoken by the noise but found that she couldn’t move because of some snoring guy who was bear-hugging her.

Ye Jiayao pinched the arm that was across her chest hard.

“Ah… What is this? There’s a bug biting me!” Helian Jing was sleeping soundly but the pain made him sit straight up.

Ye Jiayao sat up and slowly said, “Get up.”

Helian Jing rubbed his arm and saw that it was red and swollen. “What was it that bit me so hard?” he muttered curiously.

Ye Jiayao threw him his clothes. “A man shouldn’t whine about little things like these. You’re so annoying.”

Helian Jing wrinkled his nose. This guy was even more menacing than his older brother. He let him, a prince, sleep in this run down place, and did not even allow him to complain about being bitten by an unknown bug.

After they left the hostel, Ye Jiayao immediately purchased some rations and daily necessities which cost a little less than six hundred copper pieces.

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