Chapter 63: Fall Into The River

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Translator: Kats  Editor: Perriemix

Ye Jiayao’s alcohol tolerance was high and no one could keep up with her as she drank to her heart’s content.

After they had finished their meal, Wang Mingde, who was still sober, offered to take her home. Ye Jiayao looked down at the mess of a guy on the floor and waved her hand in dismissal.

She said, “That’s alright, I’m not drunk. You’d already have a hard time carrying these drunkards to the house with Old Guan. Oh, and make some sobering soup for them to drink, alright? Shopkeeper Li would go ballistic if no one would be able to work tomorrow.”

In truth, Ye Jiayao knew that she had drunk too much. She had only been forcing herself to act as if the alcohol didn’t affect her one bit. However, as soon as she left the restaurant, she gave up the pretense and allowed herself to stagger home, occasionally burping loudly.

In her drunken stupor, she thought of Little Jing. He didn’t come to the restaurant today, and perhaps, Ye Jiayao thought sadly, he wouldn’t come in the future either. Cute Little Jingjing, I don’t know what is wrong with your brother! Ah! Forget it. It’s better this way. You, Young Royal Highness, should be looking for something respectable to do. Hanging out all day in the restaurant will only make people think that you’re just a good-for-nothing royalty.

As for Dumb Donkey, it was good that he didn’t come again. She could not stand to see him staring at her so lovingly. What was up with that? Did he forget what he had done? Did he think that after ripping her heart in two, he could just apologize and everything would be a-okay again?  Ha! I’m not that easy, you stupid donkey.

Ye Jiayao’s gaze was already a bit blurry so she didn’t notice the small stones on the road. On one particularly bad step, she slipped. She braced herself for the pain of falling, but just as her butt was about to hit the ground, a pair of arms caught her around the waist and pulled her up.

“Th…thank you!” Ye Jiayao exclaimed.

“Dead drunk at midnight. Are you really a woman?” an angry male voice retorted.

Xia Chunyu had come to the restaurant earlier and waited outside for Yaoyao. An hour passed before he saw her walk out of the establishment drunkenly.

She was really getting wilder and brasher these days. Did she think that dressing like a man automatically made her untouchable? She even dared to drink with a bunch of men! The mere thought of that made Xia Chunyu hate the nameless guys. It made him want to close the restaurant down and put all the people inside there in a big prison.

Ye Jiayao turned sideways to look at her savior. Was she really that drunk? She had to be hallucinating, because why else would Dumb Donkey be here?

Xia Chunyu swore under his breath, his grip on her tightening in fear that she might fall over. He was unbelievably angry but he couldn’t exactly unleash that on a drunk woman.

“You…are you Dumb Donkey?” Ye Jiayao, bleary-eyed, poked her tongue out and pointed it at his nose.

Xia Chunyu furrowed his brows. This woman.

“Chunyu,” he corrected her. “It’s actually remarkable that you can still recognize me since you can barely even walk .”

Oh. It’s really him.

Ye Jiayao immediately pushed his hands away from her, tottering a few steps back. “I already told you not to bother me. Why are you here?”

Xia Chunyu noticed that she was swaying dangerously close to the river.

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