Chapter 45: Preserved Egg

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Translator: YTJS_  Editor: Perriemix

Li Er Niang’s older brother’s restaurant was right by the Qin Huai River. It was built facing the river in an excellent district, three-story high, and richly ornamented. The roof steep even boasted a domineering name of ‘Heavenly Residence’.

How did this kind of signboard did not get censored?

Li Er Niang brought Ye Jiayao to her brother, the boss of that restaurant.

He was talking to one of his workers when they walked in. “The ingredients must be fresh. Pick the good ones because those aristocrats are not normal people. Every single one of them has high standards.”

The henchman took the menu and went back to work.

Li Er Niang called out, “Big brother.”

“Sister, you’re here.” He saw a young man following behind his sister and asked, “Brother-in-law did not come with you today?”

Li Er Niang smiled and shook her head. “I brought you a chef. Today, he will assist me and make a few dishes on his own. If you’re satisfied with his work, you can hire him.”

Ye Jiayao walks up to him and bowed. “Shopkeeper Li, I am Li Yao.”

Shopkeeper Li could not help but frown but frown at how young Ye Jiayao looked. He has never known a chef that was this young. However, since second sister brought him here, he would give him the benefit of the doubt. After all, this was all just a trial and he doesn’t have to keep him. “Then, have a go. Just one thing before you start, Heavenly Residence might not be Jin Ling’s top restaurant, it is still quite renowned. We have high expectations for our chefs.”

Ye Jiayao expressed her understanding respectfully. A restaurant’s success relies on many factors such as location, environment, service, and marketing and more. However, the crux was always the dishes. Were the dishes tasty? Were the meals unique? Could the food keep the customers coming back? This restaurant, in particular, had to put their ducks in order in order to gain a foothold in a place full of masters like Jin Ling.

Therefore, regardless of what restaurant it was, the head chef was of high importance. Restaurant owners would not hesitate to attract chefs with large sums of money because a famous head chef is one of the restaurant’s main attraction.

Ye Jiayao didn’t dare to claim to be the best as there were always better chefs than her. Moreover, she has just arrived at Jin Ling and she was not familiar with the food and beverage industry in the city.

She humbly replied, “Thank you, shopkeeper Li, for giving me this chance. I will definitely work hard.” Ye Jiayao has to work hard to get this job. This would be a high starting point for her that might mean she would struggle for lesser years.

A workstation that was more than 10 meters long, with more than 10 helpers handling various ingredients, was prominent inside the kitchen. The chopping sounds overlapped in different rhythms and formed a whole percussion. Further inside, there was a row of more than 10 big stoves and small stoves, their fires burning a fiery red. Such scale should be considered formidable in ancient times, just as expected from a reputable restaurant.

Once Li Er Niang stepped into the kitchen, everyone stopped to greet her.

Li Er Niang gave a single nod of acknowledgment, rolled up her sleeves and put her apron on. She passed one to Ye Jiayao who immediately tied it up around her.

“What kind of dishes are you best at?” Li Er Niang passed her a set of the restaurant’s menu.

Ye Jiayao browsed the menu. She knew how to make all the dishes on the menu, but some of them she has yet to try. Today was her interview and assessment, and by letting her choose, Er Niang was going the extra mile to take care of her. Ye Jiayao has to use her special skills to pass in one go.

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