Chapter 61: Would you please leave

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Translator: Kats  Editor: Perriemix

Zhao Qixuan finished his duty and went out with a few friends to drink. He came back home very late and saw Helian Jing’s message. In the morning, he got up early to get the menu from his mom and personally delivered it to the Helian Mansion.

Helian Xuan and Helian Jing were eating breakfast with their mother and grandmother when the servants reported that the son of Duke Yongan came to find the Young Royal Highness.

“Grandma, Mum, Big Brother, I’m going out for a bit,” Helian Jing excused, quickly putting his chopsticks down before rushing out excitedly.

Helian Xuan frowned, staring after his younger brother. He said, “Grandma, Mother, I’m going out, too.”

He wasn’t comfortable with the son of Duke Yongan getting close with Helian Jing.

Princess Yi Dechang knew her son’s character. He was very capable, yes, but his temper also runs hot. She had also heard about the proclivities of the Duke Yongan’s son, so it wasn’t hard to put things together.

“He’s a guest, don’t be rude,” she reminded her son sternly.

Helian Jing ran all the way to the front foyer.

“Zhao Qixuan, did you bring what I wanted?”

“Would I dare to come emptyhanded?” Zhao Qixuan said as he rubbed his temples. Drinking too much last night and getting up this early was giving him a huge headache.

“Come on, give it to me,” Helian Jing rushed.

Zhao Qixuan gave him the menu and said, “The chef we invited was Fu Ji. He’s the best cook in Jin Ling for birthday celebrations.”

Helian Jing looked at him contemptuously. “Whatever he can do, I’m certain that Big Yaoyao can do it better.”

“Big Yaoyao? Are you talking about Li Yao?”


“You’re going to let him do the celebration? Helian Jing, this is no joking matter!”

“Well, why not? You’ve tried his food, you know it’s much better than Zhen Fugui’s!” Helian Jing reasoned.

Zhao Qixuan shook his head and said, “This isn’t just about making good food. If it’s an ordinary family’s birthday celebration, I support you hiring Li Yao. Helian Jing, this is the ancestor of the Helian Mansion’s birthday! There are too much customs to consider. You can’t let someone without experience do this.

“I know you want to help Li Yao, give him a chance to raise his name and all that, but… have you really thought about this. What if he screws this up? Helian Jing, this isn’t a smart move. And, do you think your brother will let you do this? He’s going to question your motives! Young Royal Highness, sometimes you need to lay low if you want to live longer. I was too impulsive and look what I got. Don’t follow in my footsteps.”

Helian Jing stared at Zhao Qixuan, weighing his words. The Duke Yongan’s son was right, he didn’t think this through. When his big brother gave this job to him, his first thought was hiring Big Yaoyao to be the chef. He had thought that if Big Yaoyao did well in the feast, he’d be famous in the city. It didn’t cross his mind that this could harm Big Yaoyao.

“Then…. what should I do? I already told Li Yao.”

“Just say that your brother didn’t approve of it, I’m sure he’ll understand. I have to say, he’s really brave for daring to take on something this big,” Zhao Qixuan said as he waved his fan around.

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