Chapter 99: Have We Passed The Ordeal

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Translator: YTJS_  Editor: Perriemix

Helian Jing wiped the sweat from his forehead as the group exited the palace. His relief was obvious in his voice as he said, “Man, I was so terrified I broke out in cold sweat! I thought we would definitely get hit.”

Xia Chunfeng also voiced out his lingering fears, “My legs and stomach are still trembling…”

Helian Xuan and Xia Chunyu both rolled their eyes at their younger brothers.

“Thank heavens that the Emperor is wise enough to give us jobs in the pretense of punishing us! This is a blessing in disguise, right?” Helian Jing said, sounding pleased with himself.

Yu De rebuked, “Stop being so smug. I was scared to death in there! When we reach home, face the wall to reflect on your mistakes. You are also grounded for a month.”

Xia You also turned to Chunfeng and said, “You, too. If this happens again, I will break your legs.”

“His Majesty is assigning me to work in the army tomorrow! How can I do that if I’m grounded?” Helian Jing countered, smiling triumphantly.

His mother simply gave him a cold stare.

Xia You noticed that Chun-er and Helian Xuan were standing close together as if they have something else to discuss. She called out, “Chun-er, go home early, alright? I have something to ask you.”

Xia Chunyu nodded and watched them leave.

“What is going on with you and Li Yao?” Helian Xuan asked.

Xia Chunyu sighed. He never intended to keep his best friend in the dark, but he didn’t want to mention it earlier to him either since he has yet to confirm his feelings. Now that Helian Xuan was entangled with his lies, he has to come clean. Maybe he could even be of some help to them.

“She is the woman I married in the stockade.”

“I’m sorry, woman? You’re saying she’s a woman?”

“Her real name is Ye Jinxuan. She is the oldest daughter of Ye Binghuai, the Yang Zhou’s government sub-prefect, and his first wife…” Xia Chunyu proceeded to tell Helian Xuan how Ye Jiayao got captured to the mountains and became his woman. He told him how they got separated because of a misunderstanding and how she eventually escaped death and traveled to Jin Ling.

Helian Xuan was speechless for a few seconds, deeply moved. “That’s incredible. It’s such a bizarre turn of events, even more brilliant than the stories in books.”

Helian Xuan laughed inwardly as he recalled how he used to think that Li Yao and Helian Jing were homosexuals. “What do you intend to do now?”

Xia Chunyu smiled. “Marry her.”

“Marry her? How?” Helian Xuan was astonished. “She can’t even return home. And even if she is reinstated as the eldest daughter of the Ye family, her status is still far beneath yours. Besides, you can’t decide on your marriage. Even if Liu Li decides to cancel, she’d just be replaced by other princesses.”

This is precisely the problem that Xia Chunyu was stuck with.

“She can become your concubine. That would be easier to settle,” Helian Xuan suggested.

“That will not do. Do you really think that she’d dress up as a man and work as a chef if she’s willing to become a concubine? She has a very strong character. Besides, I don’t wish for that either,” Xia Chunyu told him with a bitter laugh.

Helian Xuan looked at him in surprise. “I didn’t know you were such a romantic!”

Xia Chunyu laughed and punched his shoulder playfully. “Wait until you meet the right person, and then you’ll understand how I feel.”

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