Chapter 8 : Now Even If I Die

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Translator: YTJS_  Editor: Perriemix

The dinner that the girl made was so hearty that it made them feel at ease. It didn’t escape Xia Chunyu’s notice that the dish tasted authentic as if it really was from his hometown. The three of them easily cleared the five dishes and a jug of first-class wine.

After eating and drinking to his heart’s content, Xia Chunyu decided to go out for a walk. As he passed by the kitchen, he saw Ye Jiayao through the window, struggling to carry a pail of water, even spilling some on her skirt.

Xia Chunyu wanted to go over and help her but Song Qi moved quicker than him, rushing up to take the pail of water from Ye Jiayao’s hands. Ye Jiayao straightened her back to wipe her sweat off when he saw Xia Chunyu outside the window. She rolled her eyes and turned away, expressionless.

Xia Chunyu was unfathomably annoyed as he yelled for Song Qi.

Song Qi rushed over just as Xia Chunyu said, “Today I shall not patrol the mountains, you go around on my behalf.”

Song Qi stared at him blankly before he replied, “I’ll go after I help sister-in-law carry the water.”

Xia Chunyu growled, “NOW.”

Song Qi was startled so bad, he almost pissed in his pants. What’s wrong with third-in-charge today?   Why is he losing his temper out of nowhere? Didn’t he enjoy his dinner?

After dispatching Song Qi, Xia Chunyu also sent Peng Wu away. He then he brought a chair over to the courtyard, and sat smugly, enjoying the breeze as his eyes constantly glanced over to the kitchen.

Let’s see who will help you now. How dare you disregard me?

Ye Jiayao suspected that the third-in-charge was playing tricks on her on purpose. How could she be this unlucky? Only she could end up with a man who had no regard for others. Song Qi’s praises must be out of fear of this filthy man because from whatever perspective she looked at it from, she can’t see him as a good person.

Ye Jiayao proceeded to carry the water from the well by herself, cursing the backwardness of the facilities in the ancient times.

Xia Chunyu fanned himself leisurely, looking at Ye Jiayao as she carried the pail of water with extreme difficulty.

If you can’t handle it then ask me! I will do it on the account of the dinner you made.  The corner of Xia Chunyu’s lips rose undetectably, waiting until she opened her mouth to beg him.

However, Ye Jiayao didn’t even spare a glance at his direction. She continued huffing and puffing without saying a word.

The second trip, the third trip….

Xia Chunyu started to get fidgety. Wench! Will begging for my help kill you?

Every time Ye Jiayao looked at that smug face of his, her heart burned with rage.  Classless, filthy man!

“Hey, get me a cup of tea,” Xia Chunyu ordered, clearing his throat.

Ye Jiayao was really tempted to just dunk the pail of water on his head. Couldn’t he see that she was busy? Did he not have hands or legs? He was merely a bandit and yet he was acting like an official by ordering her around like a servant.

Again, Xia Chunyu was ignored. He fanned himself harder, almost making it fall apart. He was just about to rage when Ye Jiayao handed over a cup of tea, stuffing it into his hands before turning away to continue carrying the water.

“Hey, stop there.”

Xia Chunyu wanted to demand what was with her attitude but instead, he just stood up, stuffed the cup back into her hands and took the pail from her, heading towards the well.

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