Chapter 60: Promotion

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Translator: Kats  Editor: Perriemix

Ye Jiaoyao needed to give this problem a serious thought. The birthday celebration of the old royal consort wasn’t like any other ordinary birthday celebration. There were too many rules and customs involved and there should be no mistakes. She had never done anything quite like this before so she didn’t just readily agree to it.

But this is a rare opportunity. If she organized this birthday celebration well, she would be famous. It would really help pave the path for her career in Jin Ling.

“Big Yaoyao, you must help me with this, you are the key to success,” Helian Jing said expectantly.

Ye Jiaoyao smiled. Little Jingjing was really nice. He was clearly the one doing her a favor. Normally, big chefs were invited to cook for serious celebrations like this. The power of the Helian Mansion was great enough that they could get any chef they want, yet, Little Jingjing was giving this opportunity to her. He was willing to believe in her and take this risk.

“Little Jingjing, this feast is very important. I’ve never organized a celebration of this caliber before, I don’t know if I can do it,” Ye Jiaoyao told him honestly.

Helian Jing said, “There’s always a first time for everything, right? How do you know you can’t do it if you don’t try? This is also my first time handling something like this, and I’m very confident that we can succeed this together.

Ye Jiaoyao held back a laugh and said, “Well, look at you, talking smartly. Okay, how about this? If you can get a copy of the celebration menu that big chefs usually put together, I’ll take a look at what’s in there before I decide.”

“That’s a piece of cake. I’ll get it for you right away,” Helian Jing said, smiling.

Helian Jing left Heavenly Residence and went to the Duke Yongan Mansion. He remembered that the grandmother of the mansion celebrated her 70th birthday last year. He knew that Zhao Qixuan would be able to help him.

However, Zhao Qixuan wasn’t in the mansion. The servants told him that he was on duty. Helian Jing wrote down a note for them to pass to Zhao Qixuan.

Xia Chunyu proclaimed that he caught a cold so he retired to his home to rest. The news startled his mum and aunties and they ran all over the place calling doctors and cooking him healthy foods which annoyed him greatly.

In the afternoon, Song Qi reported that there was news in the Yang State.

Xia Chunyu closed the fan in his hand and sat upright. He looked at the maids and gave them a stern look. They left without a word.


“A servant kicked out of the Ye family said that Wei Liujang was already with the second daughter of the Ye family when he went to visit them last year. She said she once caught the two of them in the garden at night. I know that she could just be saying this out of anger and thirst for revenge, but when there is smoke, there is fire…”

“Where is this person right now?” Xia Chunyu asked coldly.

Song Qi answered, “I’ve already arranged for her to come to Jin Ling. She’ll be here in a few days.”

“I will interrogate her personally,” Xia Chunyu said.

If it was just the second Ye daughter wanting to harm Yaoyao, he could deal with her easily. It was another thing if Wei Liujiang was involved. Xia Chunyu promised that that sorry ass excuse for a man would pay greatly along with his lover. Of course, there was also Mrs. Ye. He believed that she definitely knew about all this betrayal. There was no way that the second daughter could come up with 3000 silver pieces on her own to pay Hei Feng Gang for the abduction.

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