Chapter 56: Furious

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Translator: YTJS_  Editor: Perriemix

The next day, as soon as Ye Jiayao stepped inside Heavenly Residence, Deng Haichuan pulled her aside.

“Brother Xiang was furious last night, you better watch out,” he warned her.

Ye Jiayao smiled upon hearing this and asked, “How was he furious?”

Deng Haichuan looked at brother Yao, confused as to how he was still smiling.

“I did as you told me to. After drinking, I told everyone that it was a treat by brother Xiang. He looked so mad so I told him that you gave back his reward plus another two taels. Brother Xiang did not say anything for a long time and then he just suddenly smashed a vat of wine! He got right in my face, I thought he was going to beat me up! I was lucky he didn’t, otherwise, I’d be going to work black and blue today,” Deng Haichuan said, his lingering trepidation evident. This time, he has offended brother Xiang by standing by Li Yao. From now on, he would have to stay near the new chef in case brother Xiang tried something.

Ye Jiayao imagined Zhong Xiang’s furious expression, and could not help but laugh. Indeed, she was out to tease Zhong Xiang. She wanted to punish him for mocking her with Liu Qisheng yesterday.

She patted Deng Haichuan’s shoulder comfortingly. “It’s okay. I forked out the money while everyone thought he was just being generous enough to treat them. The worst that he could do was pay me back!”

Ye Jiayao guessed right, as not long after, Zhong Xiang came over to her, his foul mood obvious to everyone. He smacked four and a half taels on the table in front of her and said hatefully, “Here’s your money. I will treat everyone if I want to, there is no need for you to be hypocritical.”

Ye Jiayao purposely acted as if she was the wronged one. “Brother Xiang, I think you are mistaken. We all work together and we all work hard, it is only right that everyone shares the reward. You refuse to accept your share so I thought I would just top up a little and treat everyone to drinks. The majority of the amount was really coming from you, so naturally, you are the one treating. If I have done anything wrong, I’m sorry. I am new to here and I don’t know the rules, so please, don’t hold it against me.”

Ye Jiayao’s words won the consent of the majority. For a long time now, the kitchen had been dominated by Master Chef Niu. The other workers were always treated as if they were beneath him as he scolded and belittled them. Chef Li Yao was a blessing for them. He empathized with their sufferings and credited them for their work. They thought that what Li Yao did was merely an effort to endear brother Xiang to them. Brother Xiang was just a tad too narrow-minded to realize it.

Cui Dongpeng stood up and said, “That’s right, Brother Xiang. Brother Yao only wants everyone to have a good time. He means no harm.”

Zhong Xiang turned to them, biting his tongue.  Are you happy now? Are you happy seeing me get played by this newbie? Why do you believe him so easily? I’ve been with you for years!

There was a saying that goes, ‘there is no need to be afraid of a god-like opponent, but instead, be afraid of a pig-like teammate’. Unfortunately for Zhong Xiang, his pig-like teammate has chosen this moment to appear.

Liu Qisheng pointed at the crowd angrily. “You people, are you really this blinded by this new guy? How does Brother Xiang usually treat you all? When did Brother Xiang not stand up and take the brunt for you when Head Chef Niu gets angry? Now that you receive a few taels from someone, all of a sudden, you found a new hero?”

“Liu Qisheng, how can you say something like this? I think the situation has ended up like that because you are stirring up shit.” Wang Mingde, who was usually silent, jumped out.

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