Chapter 49- The birth of Baby Halstead

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Monica is now 37 weeks and she has just taken Anna to school. She is heading down to the district. When she arrives she is greeted by platt
"Morning!" Monica says as she smiles
"Aren't you on maternity leave?" Platt asks
"Yeah I'm here for Jay! We're doing a maternity photo shoot!" Monica says out of breath
"I'll radio up!" Platt says just before Jay walks in
"You ready?" Jay says putting his hand out
"Let's go!" Monica says taking his hand and walking out
They pick up Anna for an hour to do the pictures. They go home and get all dressed up and drive to different locations to take the pictures. The photographer shows them the pictures
"I look so pretty!" Anna says
"Yes you do honey!" Monica says as she laughs
"Almost as pretty as your mum!" Jay says giving Monica a kiss
"Yuck!" Anna says sticking her tongue out
"Excuse you!" Monica says ticking Anna
They take Anna back to school and they're drive to the district. Monica takes a while getting up the stairs when she finally reaches the top she is out of breath.
"Wow! Your getting big!" Kevin says
"You think I'm fat?" Monica says with tears welling up in her eyes
"Oh no!" Kevin says
"No it's fine! I know I'm fat!" Monica says with tears rolling down her face
"Well done Kevin! You look beautiful honey!" Jay says sitting next to Monica
"Aww I don't deserve you!" Monica says sobbing
"Come here!" Jay says pulling Monica into a hug
"I'm sorry! Stupid pregnancy hormones!" Monica says placing her head on jays chest
"Don't worry about it!" Jay says stroking her hair
After a while Monica falls asleep on the couch and Jay puts a blanket over her and plants a kiss on her forehead
"Sleep well! You earned it" Jay whispers
After a while Monica wakes up in a panic. She has a sharp pain in her stomach. She clutches her stomach as she stands up. Jay notices her and rushes to her side.
"It hurts!" Monica screams
"I know baby!" Jay says holding Monica up
"Ahhh!" Monica screams as her waters break
Monica's eyes widen as she sees the puddle on the floor and Voight comes running out
"I'm sorry Sarg!" Monica says
"Hey it's okay! Let's get you to a hospital!" Voight says taking the hand that Jay isn't holding
Kevin grabs his jacket and goes with them. They get Monica into a car and Kevin drives.
"Hurry up Kevin! Your a god damn detective you don't need to drive like a granny!" Monica screams
"Okay!" Kevin shouts as he steps on it
"Deep breaths!" Jay says
"I'll take deep breaths when Kevin steps on it! God my 80 year old abuela can drive faster than him!" Monica screams as she digs her nails into jays hand
"Breath Monica! In and out" Voight says looking at her in the eyes
"Ahhh! It hurts! Make it's stop Jay" Monica screams as she clutches her stomach
"I know I'm sorry!" Jay says stroking her hair
They finally arrive at med...
*Authors Note*
Okay can we just talk about how loving Jay is in this chapter! He would honestly make a great dad! I can't wait for you all to find out the baby's name! I'm not so sure on it but I'll see what you all think! You will find out later tonight!

*Authors Note* Okay can we just talk about how loving Jay is in this chapter! He would honestly make a great dad! I can't wait for you all to find out the baby's name! I'm not so sure on it but I'll see what you all think! You will find out later ...

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