Chapter 31- Finally Moving on

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It's a year later and Jay and Monica have been dating for the whole time. Monica has noticed that Jay has been dropping hints about a proposal. Monica wants to marry Jay but she doesn't want what happened last time to happen again. Jay has arranged to take Monica out for a date tonight. He appears at the door.
"Hey! You look amazing!" Jay says shocked
"Aww thanks! You look great too!" Monica says walking out
They go out go to a fancy restaurant and order some food. They finish with dinner and walk out to the beach. As they walk down the beach Monica spots a heart made out of candles and Jay runs in and gets down on one knee.
"Monica Dawson after we met I knew that you were gonna be special to me. I love being your partner at work but I want to live with you and have kids with you and grow old with you! So Monica Dawson will you marry me?" Jay says smiling
"Of course I will!" Monica says as he puts the ring on her finger.
It's the day after and Monica is heading to the district. She doesn't know whether to tell the district or not. Jay walks in
"Did Monica tell you the big news!" Jay says enthusiastically
"No?" Everyone says looking at Monica
"Oh umm we're getting married! Surprise!" Monica says enthusiastically
"Congratulations!" Kevin says giving Monica a hug
"Congrats sis!" Antonio says. Monica looks over to Adam who is sitting quietly. Monica goes to get a coffee and Adam follows her
"Getting Married again?" Adam says
"Yeah..." Monica says not looking at him
"It's a bit too soon don't you think?" Adam says walking over to the couch and sitting down
"What since you blew off our engagement by saying you didn't want to marry me!" Monica says angrily
"Oh please! You blew it off and you know that! If you had kept you stupid little mouth shut then we worked still be together!" Adam says angrily
"I'm not doing this with you today Adam!" Monica says going to walk out
"Running away from your problems again! What's new?" Adam shouts
"Just let go of me Adam! Please! Move on! I have and I'm happy!" Monica says before walking out

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