Chapter 3- Long Lost sister and getting pulled over!

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"She can't be!" Antonio says
"Well she is! We need to tell her! That's 26years we haven't known her for we have a lot of catching up to do!" Dawson says enthusiastically
"Fine, the last I saw her she was at the district" Antonio says
Dawson and Antonio drive to the district to find Monica still working on the case.
"Hey guys! How can I help?" Monica says
"Umm we actually need to tell you something" Antonio says
"Yeah?" Monica says confused
"You know how you said your dads name was Ramon?" Dawson says excited
"Yeah..." Monica says confused
"Well that's our dads name too so we asked him if her had a daughter called Monica and it turns out that he does, is your mums name Rosa?" Dawson asks
"Yeah it is" Monica says
"Well your our long lost half sister Monica!" Dawson says enthusiastically
"What! But my mum told me that I don't have any siblings" Monica says
"Well you see, your mum and our dad had a big argument and that when she took you to New York!" Antonio says
"So I'm your half sister!" Monica says enthusiastically
"Yeah isn't it great!" Dawson says giving her a hug
"Yeah it is!" Monica says hugging her back
"You should come to mollys with us tonight!" Dawson says pulling Monica's hand
"Umm okay" Monica says grabbing her jacket
They arrive at mollys and walk in
"What can I get for you?" Herrmann asks
"A white wine for me, a beer for Antonio and?" Dawson says
"Oh just a soda, I'm driving home" Monica says
"Coming right up!" Herrmann says getting the drinks
Monica notices two men doing rock, paper, scissors
"Umm who are they?" Monica asks
"Oh that's just Cruz and Otis there playing rock, paper, scissors to see what one of them can hit on you and by the looks of it Cruz has just won" Dawson says as Cruz approaches
"Hello! I'm Joe Cruz! I haven't seen you around before?" Cruz says
"Oh hi! Umm I'm Monica Dawson! I just moved here from New York!" Monica says
"Wait so your related to Dawson and police man over here" Cruz asks
"Yeah I am, I'm also a detective" Monica says
"Well I'm there half sister" Monica corrects herself
"Wow! A cop! Even better" Cruz says with a smile on his face
"Sorry?" Monica says confused
"Oh it's nothing, can I buy you a drink?" Cruz says
"Okay that's enough Cruz, stop harassing my little sis" Antonio says
"I need to get going anyway but I'll see you around" Monica says grabbing her bag
Monica gets out to her car and starts to drive off. She is halfway home when she sees blue flashing lights behind her
"You've got to be kidding me!" Monica says to herself
A police man comes to the window as Harper rolls it down
"You ran a red light" the police man says
"Oh did I?" Monica says
The policeman then notices the gun sitting on the chair next to Monica. She notices that he can see it and makes a face.
"Ma'am I'm gonna need you to step out of the vehicle" The police man says
"No you don't understand I work in the 21st district, I'm detective Monica Dawson" Monica says
"Step out of the vehicle" The police man says as Monica steps out
"Here is my badge" Monica says getting her badge off of her belt
The police man takes it
"This is fake! I've never heard of this district before! Your coming to the station!" The police man says handcuffing Monica
"What!" Monica says 

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