Chapter 24- Will they get back together?

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Monica is in tears as she walks to gabbys house in the rain and knocks on the door. Gabby answers
"Hey umm I know we're not really talking but umm I need my big sister right now!" Monica says sobbing
"What happened honey?" Dawson says
"We umm we ended it" Monica says
"Come in! Your soaking!" Gabby says
Gabby and Monica sit down and Gabby puts a blanket over Monica
"Tell me what happened" gabby says
"After dinner last night I went home and thought nothing about it. Then this morning we had a meeting with the wedding planner and he blew off on one. And said that it was a mistake asking me to marry him so we ended it" Monica says sobbing even more
"Come here!" Gabby says pulling her into a hug
"Your only 25 Monica! You still have plenty of time to meet another man, get married and have kids!" Gabby says
"I know but I imagined all of that with Adam" Monica says
It's then next day and Monica is at work. She is making herself a coffee and Antonio comes in next to her
"You okay sis?" Antonio asks
"Yeah!" Monica says with tears in her eyes
"No your not! Sit down!" Antonio says
"We called it off" Monica says
"What?" Antonio asks
"We called off the engagement! Adam said that it was a mistake asking me to marry him!" Monica says as Antonio stands up
"That pig!" Antonio says walking out
"Antonio wait!" Monica says following him
"You jerk!" Antonio shouts walking over to Adam
"What?" Adam says
"I told you not to hurt her!" Antonio says as he punches Adam
"Antonio stop!" Monica says grabbing his arm
"He's not worth it!" Monica says pulling him away
They both walk away to cool down. Voight then comes in with a case
"We've got bomb threats all over Chicago! We have a name but we won't know for sure until we go in!" Voight says
"I would say that we go but they won't talk to us" Jay says
"No but they do open up to firefighters" Monica says
"Your point?" Adam says coldly
"We send in Matthew Casey and Kelly Severide doing a home routine inspection and one of us poses as a firefighter with them for backup. They notice something in the wall and have to inspect it which will give us time to sneak in and take a look for our selfs" Monica says
"I like it! Monica your gonna go as a firefighter" Voight says
"And adams gonna run in and get something off his laptop and any evidence that you can find" Voight says
"I'll run it by the firehouse now!" Monica says grabbing her coat
She arrives at the firehouse And walks into bodens office. She brings him up to speed on the plan and he gives her the go ahead bow it's time to pitch it to Matt and Kelly.
"So you two are going to go in and do a routine inspection and I'll be there too posing as a firefighter. You will then find something in the wall far away from the back room of the house. Then Adam is going to run in and get everything we need and I'll give you the heads up when we can leave" Monica says
"Sounds good" Kelly says
"Yeah" Casey replies
"Great! We go tomorrow morning be ready for 9am" Monica says walking out

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