Chapter 28- Were done!

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It's a few days later and Monica is going on a date with Adam. They arraigned to meet at 7 and it's now 8. Monica then calls Adam but gets no answer. 2 more hours go by and Monica has gone to bed. She wakes up to no missed calls or texts from adam. She makes herself a cup of coffee and gets dressed for work. She walks out to her car to notice that the engine won't start
"I don't have time for this!" Monica shouts. She tries to get the engine started but nothing works so she decides to call Jay. She tells him what's happend so he comes and picks her up. She gets in his car and he goes to laugh
"Don't bother!" Monica says not looking at him
"So did you do anything exciting last night?" Jay asks as he drives
"I was supposed to go on a date with Adam but he never showed! And I woke up this morning to no texts or calls from him" Monica says slumping in her chair
"Well it's his loss! Your special Monica!" Jay says smiling
"Oh please! You've probably said that to the whole of Chicago by now!" Monica says with a smirk on her face
"Ouch!" Jay says as he clutches his heart dramatically
Monica looks out the window and she can see a violent fight break out. She tells Jay and the jump out
"Hey! Break it up!" Jay says getting between them
"Ohh look! A pretty little white cop!" The guy says
"What's going on here?" Jay asks
"This man! He's the problem!" The guy says
"And how's that?" Monica asks
"Every night there up parting and when they come out drunk they get violent! He hit my daughter last night!" The guys shouts
"este idiota es el problema. no sabia que era su hija!" The Spanish guy says
"What's he saying?" Jay asks
"He said that he didn't know it was his daughter and that he was the moron" Monica says
"Look at you Latinas always sticking up for each other!" The guy says
"You need to cool down!" Monica says
"Or what? What's the pretty lady going to do to me? Huh? Slap me!" The guy says pulling Monica's hair
"Hey! Get you hands off me!" Monica says
"Or what!" The guy says pulling her hair harder
"I will do this!" Monica says as she twists the guys hand and he falls to the ground
"Stay down! Or it will be worse!" Monica says looking over him. Jay and Monica walk away and back into their car.
"Men! I hate them!" Monica says rubbing her temples
"All of us?" Jay asks
"If you are referring to you then yes!" Monica says as Jay laughs
"Who honestly let you be a cop!" Monica says
"I know I'm still figuring that one out myself!" Jay says as they arrive at the district
They walk in
"Monica! I'm so sorry about last night!" Adam says
"Leave it Adam!" Monica says trying to ignore him but he stands in front of her
"Please let me make it up to you!" Adam says
"No adam! I gave you a chance but you didn't fight for me did you? Then I gave you another chance last night and you blew it! Big shocker!" Monica says
"Well it wasn't my fault that you blew off the engagement!" Adam says
"I didn't! You were the one who said that it was a mistake! I'm done with you! We're done!" Monica says with a death look on her face
"Don't be such a brat!" Adam says
"Hey watch your mouth!" Antonio says
"Go take a breather man!" Kevin says
"I'm sorry that Monica is so selfish that she can't see what's good for her and that's me!" Adam says walking out
*Authors note*
I feel like I'm doing a lot of these but anyway, I just want to say that I'm not trying to make Adam look bad at all! I love Adam in the show and I know something like this would never happen!

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