Chapter 12- Getting him to confess!

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After being checked out by will later that night Monica heads to the district. She is still a little sore but wants to know what's happening. Everyone is shocked to see her back.
""I want to see him go down!" Monica says
"Right we'll we still need to speak to him" Voight says
"I'll do it" Monica says
"I don't think that's a great idea" Voight says
"He's in cuffs what can he do to me?" Monica says
"I'll go in with her" Jay says
"Fine" Voight says
They both walk in
"What do you want you lying brat!" Josh shouts
"Just here for observation hun!" Monica says winking at him then she stands in the corner
"My dads a lawyer he will come for you!" Josh says
"And what will your dad say when he sees these?" Jay says putting pictures of the dead girls on the table
"Or these?" Monica says putting pictures of texts from him to the girls on the table
"Or what will he say when he finds out you assaulted a detective" Monica says
"You have no proof" Josh shouts
"Oh I have the medical records to prove it! I also have the bruises" Monica says Smirking
"We know your not smart enough to be doing this alone, so we reached out to some of the people that helped you" Jay says
"They would never grass me out" Josh says
"You sure? We interviewed them this morning and they pinned it all on you, it's not looking good in your case" Monica says
"Weather or not you have a good lawyer your still gonna go down for this" Jay says
"You have nothing against me" Josh says looking away
"1. We have murder of all those girls 2. We have assault of all those girls 3. We have assaulting a detective do you want me to go on?" Monica says
"No!" Josh shouts
"You confess and you get about 20 years inside, and by doing that family can come and see you. You don't confess your will get life in prison with no contact with anyone!" Monica says smirking
"Okay so we're not confessing right okay!" Jay says as he walks out followed by Monica
"Fine! I did it okay!" Josh shouts
"That's what we thought" Monica says as she walks out
"Great job in there guys!" Voight says
"The boys scared, he's trying to act all hard but he's not" Monica says as she laughs
Monica then heads to Mollys with Antonio
"What can I get you?" Herrmann asks
"The strongest thing you've got" Monica says sitting at the bar
"Ohh bad week?" Gabby asks
"I was undercover as a senior in high school" Monica says
"Ohh I'm sorry!" Gabby says as she laughs
Herrmann then hands Monica her drink and Monica downs it
"Aren't you driving?" Gabby asks
"I'll just get Antonio to take me home he's not drinking tonight" Monica says
Then someone bursts through the door
"Get your hands where I can see them!" The man shouts holding up a gun

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