Chapter 35- Finding Monica

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The intelligence unit arrive at the warehouse and can see the van. They walk over to it and can see blood. They rush into the warehouse
"Chicago Pd get your hands up!" Jay shouts
"Oh hell no!" Jake says grabbing Monica and putting a knife up to her throat
"You better drop that knife before I drop you!" Voight shouts
"You better drop your guns or precious little Monica here is dead!" Jake shouts
Meanwhile Antonio has taken Mark out and put him in a cop car.
"Jake just listen to them! If you drop it the charges aren't gonna be that bad!" Monica says with her hands up
"I'm not letting you get in my head!" Jake shouts
Jay goes to shoot but Jake moves causing the knife to go into Monica's shoulder. Jakes eyes widen when he sees that he's actually stabbed her.
"T-Told you I would do it!" Jake says with his hands shaking
Jay then shoots Jake cashing straight death. They run over or Monica who is bleeding out.
"Hey honey! Stay with me!" Jay says applying pressure to her wound
"This is Sargent Hank Voight! I need you to roll an ambo to our location!" Voight says through his radio
"Copy that!" Main replies
Minuets later an ambulance arrives. They work on Monica and load her up into the ambo. It's a 30 minute drive to med with blue lights and sirens. Monica is bleeding out and fast. Jay is riding with them in the ambulance and he is holding Monica's hand
"You don't go okay? I need you here! You fight!" Jay says crying
"I-I love Y-You!" Monica says weakly
"Hey stop it! Don't do that! Your gonna get to love me for so many more years Monica!" Jay says
"Tell Gabby and Antonio that I love them" Monica says whilst struggling to breath
"Hey! Your gonna tell them yourself! Imagine growing old with me and us having kids! Antonio and Will would be uncles! And Gabby would be an aunt!" Jay says crying his eyes out
"I'll love you forever Jay!" Monica says slowly shutting her eyes
"Keep your eyes open! Stay with me Monica! Listen to my voice! Focus on my voice! Don't go to sleep please!" Jay says as his voice breaks with sadness
"What's our ETA?" The paramedic asks
"About 10 minutes!" The other paramedic shouts
"We need to hurry! She's lost a lot of blood!" The paramedic shouts back
"Is she gonna be okay!" Jay asks
"We're gonna get her to the hospital but it's hard to tell" the paramedic says checking Harper over
"Harper! Can you hear me?" The paramedic says as the monitor beeps
"Her Bp is dropping! We're loosing her! She crashing!" The paramedic says as she starts CPR
They arrive at med...

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